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Only for a moment, then she realizes what she is saying and says to the nurse, "Who will maintain my Lord's good name when I, his three-hours' wife, have mangled it?" or words to that effect.

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Q: Does Juliet blame romeo for Tybalt's death?
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She believes that romeo was killed

How long have Romeo and Juliet been married when Juliet hears of tybalts death?

Less than a day. Sadly Tybalt was killed on the same day as their marriage.

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In act 3 scene 5 why does lady Capulet think Juliet is crying?

Lady Capulet believes that Juliet is crying because of her cousin Tybalt death

Opinion on the princes response to tybalts death in Romeo and Juliet?

He banishes Romeo from Verona, stating that if Romeo was found inside Verona 'that hour shall be his last'

What does Juliet do when the nurse curses romeo for tybalts death?

She wakes up to the fact that this is her husband the Nurse is talking about and sticks up for Romeo.

Who tells Juliet about tybalts death?

The nurse tells Juliet about Tybalt's death..

What was tybalts character in romeo and Juliet?

Belligerent, combatative, arrogant, self-righteous.

Why did Romeo not want to kill Tybalt?

Romeo was at the point married to Juliet, which is Tybalts cousin. therefore romeo did not want to kill Tybalt for Juliet's sake.

Why Capulet is to blame for Romeo and Juliet's death?

Capulet is partially to blame for Romeo and Juliet's death because he pressures Juliet to marry Paris against her wishes, leading her to desperate measures. Additionally, Capulet's feud with the Montagues creates an environment of conflict that ultimately contributes to the tragic outcome.

Who is Tybalts uncle?

Tybalt's uncle is Lord Capulet. He is Juliet's father and a prominent figure in the play "Romeo and Juliet."