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yes, most stories do

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Q: Does romeo and Juliet have more than one theme?
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What are Romeo's last words Romeo and Juliet?

For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

What are the last words in Romeo and Juliet?

The last lines of the play are spoken by Prince Escalus: "For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."

Who said in Romeo and Juliet the last line?

The Prince. "For never was there a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo."

Which of these statements best represents the theme of Romeo and Juliet?

A feud rather than a moral weakness destroyed Romeo and Juliet.

How is greed the theme of romeo and Juliet?

Greed is not a predominant theme in "Romeo and Juliet," as the play primarily focuses on themes of love, fate, and feud between families. While characters such as the Montagues and Capulets may exhibit selfish behaviors, their actions are driven more by hatred and rivalry than by greed.

What the last line of Romeo and Juliet?

"Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."

How does the last scene of romeo and Juliet end?

For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

Whose more miserable single Romeo or Juliet?

Romeo was more miserable single than Juliet. He couldn't bear to be alone and the day before he met Juliet, he had just been dumped.

Is it than that of Juliet and her Romeo or than this of Juliet and her Romeo?

The correct phrasing is "than that of Juliet and her Romeo" as it compares two things, indicating that one thing is superior or better than the other.

What is Shakespeare's most popular play?

Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet. Most people if they know the name of only one of Shakespeare's plays will know Romeo and Juliet. However, Hamlet is more quoted, more performed, more parodied and much more studied than Romeo and Juliet is.

Why does Juliet care about Romeo's banishment more than Tybalt's death?

Juliet cares more about Romeo's banishment because it means she has lost her husband and her chance at a future with him. Tybalt's death was a tragedy, but Romeo's banishment directly affects Juliet's life and happiness. Juliet's love for Romeo overrides her grief for Tybalt.

What are some of the things that Romeo and Juliet did' NT have when they were growing up?

Neither of them had parents that really cared much about them. But Romeo had way more than Juliet had. Romeo has cousins and friends his own age, Juliet only seems to have adult friends. Also, Romeo has the privledge to wonder freely unlike Juliet