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Q: How did the trap doors work in the Globe theatre?
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William Shakespeare's place of work?

globe theatre

Where did Shakespeare work as a play writer?

The Globe theatre

What was the significance of the Globe Theatre?

It was an annotated guide to Shakespeare's plys and work.

How do you make the Globe Theatre?

popsicle sticks and strong balsa wood work very well, i had to do a project on the globe theatre and that is what i used to make the model, and its very easy to put together with blue tac

Why did William shakespeare work in the globe theatre?

Well, it's because he was the one who asked for it to be built.

What did a globe theatre look like from the outside?

well look on google images to give you the ture proper answer type in globe theatre from outside well done clever cloggs it don't take no genius to work that out

What time did the plays in the globe theatre perform?

Late in the evening so they can come back from work and then go and watch a play.

When did they rebuild the globe theatre and did William Shakespeare work there?

In 1614, the Globe Theater was rebuilt after having been burnt down. Yes, William Shakespeare worked as an actor at the Theater and an investor.

Did Shakespeare work anywhere else but the Globe Theatre?

William Shakespeare's plays were so well done that Queen Elizabeth asked him to have them performed in her castle. It is not said that Shakespeare's plays were performed in a different public theatre.

How did the Globe Theatre effect the life of Shakespeare?

Not much. It was a newer, nicer theatre than the Curtain, but basically the same layout. Shakespeare had a small share in the Globe which probably earned him some extra cash, but that's all. Apparently Shakespeare moved for a while to Southwark to be nearer to work, but he ended up moving back to London after a bit.

What was the Globe Theatre like in 1599?

For much of 1599, the Globe Theatre was under construction. The Theatre, which the Lord Chamberlain's Men had originally used as their home base, had become inaccessible due to problems with the Landlord. On Dec 28, 1598, with the Landlord out of London, Peter Street, the builder who the Burbages had hired, demolished the Theatre and took its timbers to a warehouse. In the spring they were ferried across the Thames to the location where the Globe was to be built. A lot of landfill and foundation work had to be done before any of the timbers could be raised, and the new theatre was larger than the Theatre and indeed the largest in London at the time. Scholars are unsure of just when it was complete and ready to perform in: some say July, others closer to September. While it was being built, the Chamberlain's Men kept on performing at the Curtain Theatre north of the river. Once the Globe opened, it must have been awesome, because it was brand new, and the best there was at that time (The Fortune theatre was larger and built the following year by the same builder, Peter Street.)

What acting places did shakespeare work for?

He didn't so much work for places as for companies. The acting company which he was with performed in more than one place (although since a bunch of them owned the Globe, that was their favourite). Shakespeare also had an interest in the Blackfriars Theatre, an indoor theatre, and when there was plague, the show would go on tour.