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"Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word" says the Prince.

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Q: How many public fights were with the montagues and Capulets?
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How many fights has Prince Escalus been in?

Prince Escalus has not been involved in any physical fights in the play "Romeo and Juliet." He tries to keep the peace between the Capulets and Montagues in Verona.

How many times have the Capulets and Montagues had street fights recently?

"Three civil brawls, born of an airy word" Three times, apparently.

Why were the Capulets and montagues fighting?

Many believe they were fighting because of their ancestors and it became a tradition

How many civil brawls have the families had in romeo and Juliet?

There are two civil brawls between the families in "Romeo and Juliet." The first occurs in Act 1, Scene 1, and the second in Act 3, Scene 1. These brawls showcase the ongoing feud between the Capulets and Montagues in Verona.

How are Romeo and Juliet and the outsiders similar?

ponyboy and romeo-- both outsiders2. montagues and capulets is like socs and greasers 3. The tragic ending with many deaths

Why is Prince Escalus angry?

Prince Escalus is angry because he believes that the Montagues and Capulets need to find a way to live in peace or the brawl will diminish many people of their lives.

What is the family name of Shakespeare's Juliet?

The Capulet Family, and Romeo is from the montague family. Both are equal in status!

How many fights are in Romeo and Juliet?

6: The servants Sampson and Gregory of the Capulets fight the servants Balthasar and Abram of the Montegues. Benvolio Montegue fights Tybalt Capulet. Mercutio Montegue fights Tybalt Capulet. Romeo Montegue fights Tybalt Capulet. Romeo Montegue fights Paris Escalus.

Did the capulets and the Montagues get along with each other after romeo and Juliet died?

While love in Romeo and Juliet is mostly looked upon this dark and tragic idea, it can also be looked up upon in a positive way. Even though the death of Romeo and Juliet was tragic result of love, in the end, the Capulets and the Montagues finally learn that their feuding is unnecessary, and realize that their fighting has resulted in many deaths in the result of their issues. The forcefulness of Romeo and Juliet's love is spread out onto the two families, and turns out to be a good thing. :D Or in other words, Yes. It does.PS- It's their, not there

What shows that the Capulet's and the Montague's have been feuding for some time?

The long-standing feud between the Capulets and Montagues is shown in the prologue of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," where it is stated that the families have been enemies for many years. Additionally, the ongoing conflict is evident in the public brawl between the two households in Act 1, scene 1, demonstrating the deep-rooted animosity between them.

What did the Capulet's and montague's learn at the end of the story?

The Capulets and Montagues learned that their feuding is unnecessary. Since it resulted in so many deaths, they learn their lesson after discovering that Romeo and Juliet (and a few others) have died as a result of their issues. At the end, they make statues to remember the people that died.

Why is the marriage if romeo and Juliet important?

Elizabethan times, this is important because it is the basis for many of the customs that are shown in the play.