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Q: Ill go along no such sight to be shown but to.... Romeo and Juliet?
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What occurs between Juliet and romeo at the masque?

They fall in love at first sight

After Romeo and Juliet have fallen in love at first sight who tells each of them the other's identity?

Juliet's Nurse tells Romeo that Juliet is a Capulet, while Romeo's friend Benvolio reveals to Juliet that Romeo is a Montague.

How Romeo and Juliet fall in love?

It was love at first sight :]

When romeo and Juliet have fallen in love at first sight who tells each of them the others identity?

Juliet's Nurse tells both Romeo and Juliet who the other's identity was.

How does Romeo learn of Juliet's love for him?

Early in the play, Romeo and Juliet meet at the Capulet's party and they both fall in love at first sight.

Was it love at first sight between romeo and Juliet?

Pretty much, yes.

How does Romeo feel for julliet?

romeo is deeply in love with juliet. he has an amazing amount of passion for her, and it was love at first sight for them both.

How does Romeo react to the sight of Juliet?

The first couple of times he sees her he is bowled over by her beauty.

What movie is there where love at first sight is included?

Romeo & Juliet By Shakespear. Rate best answer and all!

Quation that romeo and juiliet are in love?

They died.

Who says O my love my wife Death that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty in romeo and Juliet?

This line is spoken by Romeo in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." He is expressing his disbelief at seeing Juliet seemingly still beautiful even after having died. Romeo is devastated by the sight of Juliet in her tomb and is lamenting the fact that death has not robbed her beauty.

What would best describe Romeo's reaction when he first glimpses Juliet at the Capulet's party?

Romeo is immediately struck by Juliet's beauty and is captivated by her presence. He expresses his admiration by using poetic language to describe her, showing that he is deeply drawn to her at first sight.