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If Friar John has not yet been to Mantua, Romeo does not know that he is supposed to come back to Verona and get Juliet out of the tomb. Of course, he would not know that anyway because Friar Laurence sent his message to Friar John at a time when he thought Juliet would take the potion on Wednesday night, when in fact she took it Tuesday night. So, even if Romeo had got Friar John's message, he still would have been a day too late, by which time Juliet would have suffocated. Why the Friar did not spend the entire night of Wednesday/Thursday at the tomb with an iron crow is impossible to understand.

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Juliet love romeo and romeo love Juliet and Juliet want to be marry romeo and romeo thatsk kiddin my lady

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Q: In Scene ii why is Friar Lawrence upset when he learns that Friar John has not yet been to Mantua?
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