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Q: In dr faustus damnation is tragic or an act of justice?
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What was the first tragic thing that happens in act 3 romeo and Juliet?

Mercutio dies.

How is Othello's status as a tragic hero established in Act 1?

He has the "noble" quality which all tragic hero's have.. from the start of Act 1, we can tell that people respect him! In act 1, scene 3, senator refers to him as a "valiant moor" and Iago says that he is "affined to love the moor" at the start of Act 1 Scene 1, showing that he is a well respected man.

Discuss the theme of justice in Romeo and Juliet?

the prince represents justice in the storry, he banishes remeo from Verona when romeo kills Tybalt. another act of justice is the death of remeo and Juliet stop the war between the two families

Which is the best example of a tragic impulse from Shakespeare and The Tragedy of Macbeth?

It really depends on whether you believe that people have "tragic flaws" (Shakespeare didn't), and if you do, what Macbeth's tragic flaw was. If you think his tragic flaw was giving in too easily to his wife, then his wife talking him into the murder in Act 1 Scene 7 is probably it. If you think his flaw is that he's too ruddy violent, possibly this became apparent when he split the fellow from the nave to the chops.

Is Antigone a tragic hero in 'Oedipus Rex'?

No, Antigone is not a tragic hero in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.). Specifically, the term hero describes the main character who does great deeds or holds great power. That hero does not stay at the top of his game once the unfortunate consequences of his flawed act or character begin to be felt. The two descriptions fit Theban Princess Antigone only in the sense that her life tragically takes an unfortunate turn. But Antigone is a tragic character, not the tragic hero.