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The Prince shows up three times in the play. In Act 1 Scene 1 he shows up and does not bother to hear anyone's account of what happened before making his proclamation. In Act 3 Scene 1 he shows up and hears Benvolio's account of how Tybalt was killed. In Act 5 Scene 2, he arrives and hears a brief account from a watchman about how many corpses are lying about. Montague arrives and gives a brief account of his wife's death. Then the Friar gives a lengthy account of everything that has happened in the play. Balthazar gives an account of how Romeo came from Mantua and Paris's Page gives an account of what brought Paris there. There are more than four in Act 5 alone; take your pick.

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Q: In romeo and Juliet What four accounts does the prince hear?
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Which four things dose Juliet fear?

Juliet fears her family's disapproval, being separated from Romeo, not being able to be with Romeo, and being trapped in an unhappy marriage.

What dates did romeo and Juliet take place?

For about four days late in July.

What is the setting of scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet?

There are four scene fives in Romeo and Juliet (one in each of acts 1, 2, 3, and 4). Which scene 5 are you talking about?

What four things does Juliet calls romeo as he leaves?

Love, Lord, Husband, and Friend

Where and when does scene four of romeo and Juliet take place?

There are four "scene fours" in the play in each of Acts one, two, three and four.

Are the first four lines in the prologue of Romeo and Juliet blank verse- Why or why not?

No, it is in strict Iambic Pentametor.

Who died in scene five of Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo finds out that Juliet is apparently dead; he buys poison; he goes to Verona; he goes to the tomb; he meets Paris, fights and kills him; drinks poison and dies; Juliet wakes up and kills herself; the bodies are discovered; Friar Lawrence explains what happened; Montague and Capulet reconcile.

Who does romeo go to immediately after leaving juliet's side?

Romeo and Juliet meet four times in the play: at Capulet's party, in Juliet's backyard, at Friar Lawrence's cell, and in Juliet's bedroom. After meeting Juliet at the party, Romeo leaves alone, ditching his friends, and climbs into Juliet's backyard. After the Balcony Scene, he goes to Friar Lawrence to arrange the wedding. After the wedding he goes and meets Mercutio (and, unexpectedly, Tybalt) After the wedding night, he leaves Verona and goes to Mantua.

How many females in Romeo and Juliet?

There are either four or five "named" female characters, depending on your perspective. The definite ones are Juliet, of course, Lady Capulet, Lady Montague, and the Nurse. The one that's "iffy" is Rosaline, who plays a significant role in early dialogue but never actually appears in any of the scenes.