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When they have low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia). This can occur when diabetics have taken too much exercise or used too much insulin. Most people never suffer from hypoglycaemia because the body releases glucagon, which increases blood sugar levels.

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Q: In what condition people take glucose?
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What are Glucose and fructose readily distinguished by?

In conc. sulphuric acid glucose charres at cold condition and fructose charres at hot condition

How do bacteria and viruses take in glucose as nutrition?

Bacteria take glucose through food or photosynthesis.Virus do not get glucose.

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Hypoglycemia is the word that means a condition in which a person has elevated levels of glucose in the bloodstream.

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In simple terms, hypoglycemia is the condition caused by a low level of blood glucose, whereas hyperglycemia is the condition caused by a high level of blood glucose.

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An insulin irregularity.

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Why sick patients are given glucose?

because its sugar and when your ill your blood pressure is low you need a bit of energy going through your system to raise your blood pressure. that why when im ill i like quite a bit of sugar in my tea! :)

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Yes, it could be possible to people in that condition. Emotions take over and they are unable to stay in love.

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The Condition Ketones