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Q: In what ways did Shakespeare write his play to please the monarchy?
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Did Shakespeare write to please the British Monarchy?

Yes, Shakespeare wrote to please a wide audience, including the British monarchy. Many of his plays were performed for Queen Elizabeth I and King James I, and he often included themes and characters that would appeal to the royal court.

What play did Shakespeare write for his lover?

If Shakespeare had a lover, we don't know who it was. Likewise, he didn't dedicate his plays to anyone. If someone said to him, "Please if you love me Willie darling write me a play about Titus Andronicus" we have no record of it.

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When did shakespeare write his fisrt play?

when he was 10

If shakespeare didn't wright his play who did?

he did write them

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Where did Shakespeare act as a actor and play write?

In London, England.

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Did Shakespeare write a play called shaming the shrew?

No. The play is called Taming the Shrew.

What century did william Shakespeare write his play?

Shakespeare was alive and writing in both the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Did shakespeare write a play called hamlet?

Yes, he certainly did.