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Yeah it's aprpriate, because if he's a pope from the Church he has to give positive advices to the people so they can beleive in themselves and believe that their problems would be solve somehow and somewhere. Having faith in that something it's good to have a positve outcome it's what we suppose to believe. Friar it's right becasue if doesn't believe on what he say then he will not be value and trusty either.

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Q: Is it appropriate for a religious person like the friar to deceive people with the hope of positive outcomes?
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What warning does Brabantio give to Othello?

Brabantio warns Othello that if his daughter, Desdemona, deceived him in order to marry Othello, then she can just as easily deceive Othello.

What poem contains the words Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive?

: Oh! what a tangled web we weave : When first we practice to deceive! Sir Walter Scott, Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17.The quote is, surprisingly, not from Shakespeare but from Sir Walter Scott , in Canto VI, Stanza 17 of "Marmion" (1808) an epic poem about the Battle of Flodden Field in 1513.The meaning is, basically, that lies beget more lies, and that masking lies with more lies creates an ever-more-complex arrangement of falsehoods.

Is acting like lying?

No, acting isn't like lying because when one is acting they are impersonating emboding another character. they have to become that person, have the same mindset and personality. but lying is an act where you decieve yourself for your own benefit or for others. it's when you deceive yourself.

What does thyself mean in shakespearean times?

The phrase is spoken by Polonius in Hamlet. It means "Do not deceive yourself". To deceive yourself (kid yourself, lie to yourself) is sometimes easier than deceiving other people.The full quote is: to thine own self be true,and it must follow, as the night the day,Thou canst not then be false to any manThis says that so long as you do not deceive yourself then you will not be tempted to deceive other people.this is bullcrapThere is a shade of difference between not being true to oneself and deceiving oneself.As Polonius is so full of words, it is natural that the things he says be considered 'just a lot of words'. Polonius might not know the depth of his own words but Shakespeare did and it is upto us to get to it.

Why did the three witches deceive Macbeth?

They didn't deceive him. Everything they said came true, in a sense. They may well have known that he would take the prophecies about Birnam Wood and someone "of woman born" in the way he did, but let's face it, he took it that way because it was what he wanted to hear. Macbeth could not feel safe as king, and was constantly afraid that he had taught bloody instructions which, being taught, would return to plague the inventor, as he had predicted in Act I Scene 7. So in order to try to calm his fears he grasps at the witches' predictions, but it doesn't work, because he continues to be afraid and paranoid anyway.

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How do religious people deceive others?

Answer: Since there is no way to provide evidence of a higher power, the religious have developed many ways to deceive people. Some are aware of the deception while others may believe what they are saying.Answer: By doing what any person, religious or non-religious does. They have others perceive them to be one way, when in reality, they are another. They may use this to get someone's trust, money, care, and so on.

Is Derren Brown religious?

No. Derren Brown is an atheist. He has even exposed some illusions that religions deceive people with to get them to give their money.

How do you write a sentence starting with the word deceive?

Deceive other , and they will deceive you.

What is the adverb of deceive?

One adverb of deceive is deceivably.Another adverb of deceive is deceivingly.

How do you write deceive in a sentence?

You simply put the word deceive in a spot where it fits. Deceive means to trick or fool, so if trick or fool would fit there, so would deceive. "How could you deceive me?!" "People will deceive others to get what they want."

What is the past tense of deceive?

The past tense of deceive is deceived.

What part of speech is the word deceive?

Deceive is a verb.

What is the Latin word for deceive?

Decipere = to cheat, to deceive

Is mislead the synonym for deceive?

Yes, it's A synonym for deceive

Can you give me a sentence using the word deceive?

The teenager purposely tried to deceive her parents. Police can charge 'obstruction of justice' if you deceive them.

What religious beliefs did Napoleon Hill have?

Napoleon Hill's teachings were influenced by various spiritual and metaphysical beliefs rather than traditional organized religion. He emphasized the power of the mind, positive thinking, and personal development as key elements to achieve success and wealth in one's life. While not specific to a particular religious doctrine, his philosophy encouraged individuals to tap into their inner potential to manifest their desires.

What is the verb form deceit?

The verb of deceit is deceive. As in "to deceive someone".