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comedy is a humorous art form, whether written or oral"

laughter is physical, and can occur when one is tickled. Humor is simply "one of the causes of laughter". She also stresses that, "humor has its home in comic drama. Laughter springs from its very structure" and "Humor is not the essence of comedy, but only one of its most useful and natural elements". (p. 346)

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14y ago

i would say that they are pretty close if not i would think that comedy is a different tense than humor... answer your question?

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Q: Is there a difference between humor and comedy if so what are the differences?
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From where does a classical comedy get its humor?

Classical comedians can usually get its humor by their life or some one else's life.

What is the difference between sense of humor and funny?

To have a sense of humor is to be able to recognize someone or something as funny. Some occurrences are intentional funny (such as comedy) while others are only humorous because of the way we interpret them. Some of this seems to be innate (genetic) while some seems to be learned (babies smile and laugh spontaneously and then associate it with something happening).

What are the different types of comedy and humor?

Like all forms of entertainment, there isn't just a single type. There are technically thousands of different types of comedy and humor, though the most common are likely jokes and irony.

What is the difference between high comedy and low comedy?

High comedy is humor that usually requires some additional insight or context to make it amusing. Irony for example is an example of high comedy. A character telling another that he doesn't eat meat upon arriving at a dinner party when we the audience have seen a second character previously slaving away making the meal (which includes meat) and working themselves to the edge of their sanity to please the first character is amusing to us seeing as we have all the information, it wouldn't be funny if we didn't know the second character had worked so hard for no reason. Low comedy is characterized as being slapstick or farce. Something more akin to physical comedy in which what is currently happening is amusing for some reason. Think of it almost like low-brow humor, you don't need to think very hard to figure it out.

What is an outlandish comedy known as?

An outlandish comedy is known as a farce. A farce aims to entertain the audience by means of unlikely, extravagant, and improbable situations, disguise and mistaken identity, and verbal humor of varying degrees of sophistication.