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Q: Is window xp single-user or multi-user operating system?
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Window operating system is multiuser operating system or not?

Read your EULA. The license encourages you, and only you, to use the PC, even if you install sshd or vnc so others can use it. Now ask yourself if Debian Linux is a multiuser operating system.

What is Lindow operating system?

commonly lindo is not operating system ,window is operating system developed by microsoft...

Is window a operating system?

Yes, each version of "Windows" is an operating system.

What system is the father of almost all modern multiuser systems?

There is no correct answer without qualifying which multiuser systems are being discussed. All modern operating systems have inherited traits and abilities from other older multiuser systems. There are multiple multiuser operating systems currently in use. IBM has their mainframe system (Z/os) as well as IBM i, both multiuser systems are unique from each other and from other systems. IBM also has AIX, a descendant of unix. Current unix systems go back to the original proprietary AT&T unix implementation in the 1970's and 1960's. Unix itself was modeled after a multiuser system called Multics. Linux was modeled after unix but written independently of it. Microsoft Windows NT was designed by Dave Cutler who brought his experience in developing OpenVMS with him. All other Microsoft Window implementations follow from that.

What are the three most common operating system for personal computers?

window operating system

When was window operating system invented?


Is window vista old?

no! Window vista is still a new operating system.

Window 98 is the examples of which operating system?


Is window an application software?

No. Windows is an Operating System.

Window xp is an example of what?

Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista are example of operating System.

What are the Advantage of window operating system over disk operating system?

it helps to operate the application software and the system software of hte computer

What is early system in operating system?

The early operating system now is window lunched to be available soon enough