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I like riddles and brain teasers!

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2y ago
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13y ago

Yes, please!

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shanshan Jiang

Lvl 10
2y ago

i like all!

and brain testes too!

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Q: Riddles and brain teasers
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What are good sites for brain teasers and riddles? , more riddles and puzzles are added every so often, please visit it.

What are teasers?

Brain teasers are puzzles or riddles used to stimulate one's mind. Brain teasers are usually frustrating riddles with seemingly difficult clues, but simple answers, such as: Q:What is full of holes, but can still hold water? A:a sponge Q:Tommy tells Terry about a time when they talked about turtles at a tea party. How many T's are in that? A: 2, it only asks for how many letters are in the word "that." Q: Do you know how to spell (think of a word)? Spell it. A: I-T, it. The question asks for the word "it" to be spelled.

Does anyone have any trick questions to share?

There is a category for this sort of question in WikiAnswers, look in that category: "Test your IQ in this category filled with brain teasers, puzzles and riddles."

How do brain teasers work?

brain teasers are really fun...!!!!!!! like work to tease your brain obviously lol.. people make them to get people all stressed out in a good way..

What does . That's means on brain teasers?

What does . That's means on tough turkey teasers

In brain teasers what is popigke?

A pig in a poke

Brain teasers milonelion?

Nine cumulus

What does this mean noxqqivit in brain teasers?

No excuse for it

Which website has a lot of great brain teasers?

I don't know a website, but Profesor Layton and the Curious Village and the rest are really hard brain teasers. It is for the Nintendo DS.

Which batman villain was fond of brain teasers?

The Riddler

T N M N brain teasers?


What is the answer for hidden meaning brain teasers with bonbnet?

A bee in the bonnet