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Q: What are good sites for brain teasers and riddles?
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Related questions

How do brain teasers work?

brain teasers are really fun...!!!!!!! like work to tease your brain obviously lol.. people make them to get people all stressed out in a good way..

Why is exercise good for the mind?

Quiz's and brain teasers are good for the mind

Why are brain teasers good for you?

encourage you to pull from sources such as language and experience instead of your

What are some brainteaser?

Brain teasers are a good way to improve your mind and have some fun at the same time. They usually require lateral thinking and patience.. Some Of The Best 10 Brain teasrers Are Here-->

Why do people use teasers?

People use teasers to get your brain going. Like for instance: in FNAF (Five nights at Freddy's) there are tons of teasers. This makes the game more popular and makes everyone want to get involved. It is a matter of science, although, it is also a matter of gaming. Some people might not like the game because it is scary or other reasons but truly, it is a good game.

Who invented riddles?

Riddles originated from well they were made by "Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.

What are riddles good for? , more riddles and puzzles are added every so often, please visit it.

What are some good websites for maths riddles?

The best site I know is mathsriddles. There is regular update of questions and answers and all the riddles are of very good quality.

What is a good metaphor comparing computers to something?

'His/her brain was a computer, solving riddles within seconds'.

Is charlie and the unicorn good for a nine year old?

Yes it is. If she/he likes funny stuff.(There may be some inapropriate stuff in teasers but not in the real thing.dont let him/her watch teasers)

What are some good math riddles?

well. i think the best math RIDDLES ARE LIKE THINGS SUCH AS: how do u make time fly? A: throw it out the window or WHAT DO YOU CALL MORE THAN ONE "L"? a: PARRALEL HOPE YOU FIND THESE RIDDLES USEFULL

what medicine is good for memory for the elder people?

A great medicine to improve memory in elder people is anything from the Acai plant. They sell over the counter medicine for that. Also recommended is brain teasers and lots of thinking games such as word puzzles and math games.