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A fixed pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in lines of fixed length to create rhythm you dumb wierdos

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Q: The main clause of sonnet 29 begins the turn where is it?
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Where does the turn of Shakespeare's Sonnet 30 take place?

Shakespearean or English sonnets don't have a "turn."


As with many of Shakespeare's sonnets, the turn comes just before the final couplet.

What are two components of a sonnet?

The Octave (First 8 lines) which sets up a problem or scenario and Sestet which attempts to resolve it (Last 6 lines). The volta (the turn in the poem) is around line 9.

How is Shakespearean sonnet structured?

All sonnets, as you know, have fourteen lines, and Shakespearean sonnets have the rhyme scheme ababcdcdefefgg. In Italian sonnets, the first eight lines set up the last six as a contrast or a change in tone. This change in tone, perspective or subject is called a volta (Italian for turn). Look at a bunch of sonnets and see how many have, at the beginning of the ninth line, words like "but", "yet" or "still". That's a common kind of sonnet structure, which can be found in the famous Sonnet XVIII ("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day"), but sometimes Shakespeare didn't structure them that way. Sometimes the first twelve lines make a point and the final couplet either summarizes that point or acts as a sort of volta, shifting the focus or providing a contrast. An example of this is Sonnet CXXX ("My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun.")

What are the differences between Shakespeare sonnet and petrarchan sonnet?

The difference is in their structure - both have fourteen lines of iambic pentameter, but they are organized in different ways.A Petrarchan (also called an "Italian") sonnet, is composed of an octave (eight lines) followed by a sestet (six lines). The rhyme scheme of the octave is typically abbaabba (this is easy in Italian because so many words end in suffixes like "-ello" or "-etto").The octave sets up the problem of the sonnet, which might be something like the brevity of a lifetime or the transience of beauty. The sestet has its own rhyme scheme, and there are several acceptable patterns (cdcdcd, cdecde, to name a couple). The sestet resolves the problem set up in the octave - if the problem is the transience of beauty, perhaps the solution is that the person's beauty will live on in the poem. The change in tone between the octave and the sestet is called a turn, or a "volta."The Shakespearean (also called an "English") sonnet is composed of four quatrains (of four lines each) and a concluding couplet (two lines). The rhyme scheme is as follows: abab cdcd efef gg. Each quatrain serves to develop an element or a facet of the problem.For example, a sonnet about the transience of beauty might have one quatrain about the beloved's charms, one comparing her to the seasons, and one about how she will eventually die. The couplet solves the problem of the quatrains, just as the sestet solves the problem of the octave in Petrarchan sonnet. The volta traditionally occurs between the third quatrain and the couplet. Because you have to solve the problem in two lines, the couplet tends to be particularly witty and significant.

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What is the independent clause in if he does not turn in his paper he will not pass the course?

The independent clause (the part that can stand by itself) is "he will not pass the course". The dependent clause (the sentence fragment) is "if he does not turn in his paper".

Where does the turn of Shakespeare's Sonnet 30 take place?

Shakespearean or English sonnets don't have a "turn."

Where is the turn in sonnet?

In a Shakespearean sonnet, the turn typically occurs in the third quatrain, where there is a shift in tone, perspective, or argument. This turn marks the transition from the problem or situation presented in the first two quatrains to the resolution or conclusion in the final quatrain (couplet).


As with many of Shakespeare's sonnets, the turn comes just before the final couplet.

Why are the last two lines of sonnet 18 indented?

The last two lines of Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare are indented to create a visual and structural effect known as a "volta" or a turn in the sonnet. This indentation emphasizes the shift in tone or subject matter that often occurs in the concluding couplet of a Shakespearean sonnet.

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Is this the right grammar for this sentence About September 20 is when the foliage begins to turn?

Maybe this is better: About September 20 the foliage begins to turn. Some people don't like starting a sentence with a preposition so you could say: The foliage begins to turn about September 20.

What signals the mood change in a sonnet?

In a sonnet, mood changes are often signaled by shifts in tone, imagery, or diction. These shifts can occur at the volta, or the turn, typically found at the start of the third quatrain in a Shakespearean sonnet or after the octave in a Petrarchan sonnet. The mood change can be used to introduce a new perspective, idea, or emotion that contrasts with or builds upon the preceding content.

What are clause modifiers?

A clause modifier is simply a clause that modifies something. A clause is a sentence with at least a subject and a verb, for instance "I went to school". Now if we want to turn this clause into a modifier, we simply let it modify the meaning of something, for instance the phrase "I had breakfast": I had breakfast before I went to school.

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Where does the turn take place in sonnet 116?

It takes place in line 13 as the speaker becomes defensive about his perception of love.

When snow begins to melt what does it turn in to?

water...and then disolves into the ground