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William Shakespeare [Baptized April 26, 1564-April 23, 1616] had to worry about royal favor. During most of his writing career, he was a subject of Queen Elizabeth I [September 7, 1533-March 24, 1603]. During the last 13 years of his life, he had to get used to a completely different monarch, King James [June 19, 1566-March 27, 1625] I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland. The King was the son of Mary I [December 8, 1542-February 8, 1587] of Scotland. Mary considered Elizabeth's claim to the English throne questionable, and let her disrespect be known. She ended up being executed for treason. So Shakespeare had to find a way to get along with Mary's son. He did so by changing history and altering personalities in the play 'Macbeth'. In that play, he presented Banquo as the noble opposite to the ignoble Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057]. His reason was the King's claimed descent from Banquo. And so the play was meant as a tribute to King James I/VI.

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"But all's too weak, for brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name) . . ." "I must report they were as cannons overcharged with double cracks, so the doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe."

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Q: To which king did 'Macbeth' pay tribute?
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Macbeth is King Duncan's cousin as well as a general of the king. Later into the play, he becomes king.

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There are six men who reign as king in Shakespeare's Macbeth: Duncan, Macbeth, Malcolm, Donalbain, Macbeth's son, and Macduff.

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Macbeth was not a vassal of King Duncan. Macbeth's act of killing King Duncan would be considered regicide because he unlawfully killed his king, who was his sovereign and ruler.