

Best Answer

The correct order is:

  1. Krupke and Schrank break up a fight.
  2. Riff proposes fighting the Sharks.
  3. Riff appeals to Tony for help.
  4. Tony and Maria meet at a dance.
  5. Tony kills Bernardo.
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Q: What are the following events from West Side Story in chronological order?
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When a story is told in the order in which events occurred this type of organization is called?

Chronological order

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Answer this question… chronological thinking.

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A.In the sequence in which they happen-apex

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If an author tells the story in exactly the way the events happen in real life, the story is told in a linear or chronological narrative. This means the events are presented in the order they occur without any disruption or rearrangement.

What is an order of events from beginning to end called?

Chronological order.

What is non-chronolgical?

When something is in "chronological order", it means it is in order of time. For example, a story might be told in chronological order - explaining the events in the order they happened. "Non-chronological", of course, means that some things are told in a different order.

How are events in a story that are told in chronological order presents to the reader?

A.In the sequence in which they happen-apex

How are events in a story that are told chronological order presented to the reader?

A.In the sequence in which they happen-apex

What arrangement places events in the order in which they occur?

Placing events in the order of their occurrence is "chronological order".