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Q: What characters suffered repression in the tragedy Oedipus Rex?
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Is Oedipus Rex an epic?

No, Oedipus is a tragedy. An epic is a long narrative poem with several characters and subplots. The Iliad and the Odyssey are epics.

Who wrote the tragedy of Oedipus Rex?


Why is Oedipus a tradgedy?

Oedipus Rex is a tragedy because The main character (Oedipus) suffers a major loss of some sort that tears his/her life apart. The play can be called a Greek tragedy because hubris (pride or arrogance) is a main theme. The fact that the belief in gods and fate are very prevalent also make Oedipus Rex a Greek tragedy.

How does the play Oedipus the King provide a tragedy?

By trying to evade the prophecy, Oedipus, unwittingly causes it to occur.

The characters in Oedipus Rex may be thought of as representing different or .?

The characters in Oedipus Rex may be thought of as representing different aspects of fate, free will, knowledge, and hubris. Oedipus represents the struggle between fate and free will, while Tiresias embodies knowledge and the consequences of ignoring it. Jocasta represents the limitations of human understanding and the dangers of pride and denial. The characters collectively serve to convey themes of destiny, tragedy, and the complexities of human nature.

Does Oedipus Rex meet all the criteria of tragedy?


Is Oedipus the King an exemplification of the Aristotelian definition of tragedy?

Aristotle used Oedipus as an example for many of the principles he articulates in The Poetics.

In which way does Oedipus typify the protagonist of a tragedy?

He is the son of a king. C

What was the flaw of Oedipus the King?

His flaw is said to be Pride, but the theory that ancient playwrights put tragic flaws in their characters the same way Shakespeare did is a misunderstanding based on a mistranslation. Oepidus was said to have suffered tragedy because of Hamartia a Greek word which then meant 'A mistake made in ignorance'. Later translators misread the word as meaning 'Sin' or 'Flaw'.

Aristotle laid out his theories about dramatic tragedy in?

Aristotle laid out his theories about dramatic tragedy in Oedipus the King by Sophocles poetics.

The play Oedipus Rex was written by?

The classic tragedy Oedipus Rex was written by Sophocles and first performed in 429 BC. Aristotle proclaimed the play the best Greek tragedy ever written in his book Poetica.

What is an example of a Greek tragedy?

Their economy. (sad but true) Oedipus Rex Agamemnon