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Both the creationist and evolutionist would say the chicken.

I disagree, the evolutionist would say the egg. Because at some point, a chicken evolved out of earlier birds that were already laying eggs, though they not chicken eggs in the beginning.

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13y ago

If you believe in God and his written Word The Bible then you'll have to believe that the chicken came before the egg.

answer 2 an alternate answer is to consider this Q from an evolutionary development point of view.

Which becomes; which, the chicken or the egg, is more likely to suffer a mutation such that the descendants would differ from the ancestors? Since at early stages, the egg has its nuclei dividing at a great rate, the effect (of say an ionizing particle) would be much more likely to change the organism. Whereas a mutation in an adult bird would be unlikely to change the bird.

Unfortunately, most of such changes would be likely to be fatal to an embryo organism, but there would be an occasional interaction which was sufficiently minor to be tolerated.

So we have blue-eyed people, and some families with 6 fingers and toes (Polydactyly).

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15y ago

The egg. Dinosaurs and other creatures were laying eggs before the ancestors of the chicken even evolved.

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Q: What comes first a egg or a chicken?
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What comes first The chicken or the egg The chicken came from the egg so what comes first The chicken or the EGG?

the egg because dinos lay eggs

What comes first in your life chicken or egg?

It is the egg for breakfast.

which comes first chicken or a egg?

personally i think it was the chicken ____________________ I disagree; eggs have been around since the days of the dinosaurs (or before!) while chickens are a relatively recent development. Please note that the question does NOT specify a "chicken egg".

Who comes first chicken or egg?

If you think carefully about it, chicken comes first. An egg would not be hatched if, there was no warmth. A chicken sits on the egg before it can hatch. I dont reckon there was any incubator long time ago. Sun does not provide the extra warmth needed for an egg to hatch. haha tricked you. If you believe in God, then chickens came before the egg.

How long does the next egg come out of a chicken when the first egg comes out?

30 Min

What comes firstthe chicken or the egg?

the chicken. when god created the earth he put animals not eggs. therefore the chicken came firstAnswer:Evolution works in such a way that the traits leading up to "chicken -ness" can be present in both parents without them being (technically) chickens. When they mate the genes can recombine to provide the offspring (in the egg) with all the genes to be a chicken. So the parents are not technically chickens, the embryo is a chicken and grows to be a chicken. The chicken comes first. Yes this means the egg the first chicken comes from is not a chicken's egg. All eggs from the first chicken are then chicken's eggs.

If the egg came first then who laid it?

FACT: The egg did come first. & no one, or no thing laid the egg. God put it on this earth just like he put you and I on here.Answer:Evolution works in such a way that the traits leading up to "chicken -ness" can be present in both parents without them being (technically) chickens. When they mate the genes can recombine to provide the offspring (in the egg) with all the genes to be a chicken. So the parents are not technically chickens, the embryo is a chicken and grows to be a chicken. The chicken comes first. Yes this means the egg the first chicken comes from is not a chicken's egg. All eggs from the first chicken are then chicken's eggs.

What comes a chicken or an egg?

The traditional riddle asks, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" It's a philosophical question about causality and evolution, with no definitive answer. Some argue the egg came first due to evolutionary processes, while others believe the chicken must have existed first to lay the egg.

What comes first an egg or chicken?

The egg came first. It is believed that a genetic mutation in a prehistoric bird laid an egg with a slightly different genetic makeup, which eventually lead to the evolution of the modern chicken.

Which comes 1st the chicken or the egg?

This question is more of a philosophical debate. From an evolutionary standpoint, it is believed that the egg came first, as the genetic mutation necessary for a chicken to hatch must have first occurred in an egg. However, from a biblical perspective, it is said that God created the animals, including chickens, fully formed.

How is a chicken egg distributed?

It Comes Out Of The Chicken

What are chicken eggs?

An egg that comes from a chicken