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Q: What costume are used to perform the Caribbean dance?
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What happens at a dance performance?

Well, it depends on your dance studio, but when I used to dance we would get there and put on our first dance costume. Then my class would meet backstage. When it was our turn we went out there, did our dance, and ran back to the dressing room. That's about it

What is kimona?

A Kimona is a type of costume that is used in the Pantanggo dance. The kimona is also known as a kimono, and is shaped like the letter T.

How maths related to dance?

Maths is used to calculate how many calories you lose by dancing. How much it will cost to see or perform in a dance show. The financial side of dance e.g. how much tickets cost or sell for.

What is the costume and equipments of kumakaret courtship dance dance?

Equipments: 3 glasses (total of 12 glasses cause there are 4 girl dancers) with wine or tuba. (we only used water!) costume: boys- Camisa de chino, pants, no shoes Girls: don't know? but i remembered they are wearing tapis and no shoes! hope it helps!:)

Can women street dance?

Both genders can perform the dance known as street dancing.It used to be called vernacular dance before it was renamed to street dance.It is a type of urban dance that has evolved from the dance hall and into open spaces, such as streets, parties and school yards. They are mainly improvisational and and social dances.

What did Lady Gaga want to be when she was a child?

She wanted to perform. She used to dance in New York City and always wanted to perform at Convent Gardens as she only lived a few blocks away. Hope this helps.

What disco freestyle costume companies are there?

Disco freestyle costume companies are the people who make these fabulous costumes for our dancers to go out in and some include : Goldstar( Bespoke dancewear) Stoned boutique Obsession ( Dance is my life my ...) Exquisite ( Ministry of dance) Foxy Dance house ( This doll can dance ) Janine ( Gorgeous girls club ) Vicky barkess Visions of dance B crew Dancewear design Pure Circus Pose There are alot more but they are the most popular and wel used .

How is dance used?

what is dance used for

Facts about Jazz dance in the 1930's?

Jazz dance has roots in African-American culture and found popularity in the swing era of the 1930s and the 1940s. Jazz dance was an evolution of tap dancing, which was used in many minstrel shows and vaudeville performances. Jazz dance also incorporated influences from ballroom dancing, as well as Caribbean and African dances.

What is a vedette?

A vedette is an actor or actress who is a leading star of screen, stage, or television. It is a term used to describe the main theatrical performer who knows how to dance, sing, and perform.