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She must have liked them because she had them perform at court on numerous occasions. She liked other theatre companies as well and, as far as we can tell, just as well as The Lord Chamberlain's Men.

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Q: What did queen elizabeth think of shakespeare and his company?
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What did Queen Elizabeth I of England think of shakespeare's globe theatre?

Queen Elizabeth II officially opened Shakespeare's Globe Theatre on June 12, 1997.

What did Tudors think of Shakespeare?

Queen Elizabeth was a Tudor and she seemed to like his plays.

How did Shakespeare aim to please elizabeth?

The only people Shakespeare aimed to please were the people who paid his company money to see his plays performed. This meant thousands of people every day. Some of them may have been called Elizabeth. Shakespeare did not write anything for Queen Elizabeth I. His company did perform at court once or twice, but they performed plays which were already tried and tested on the public stage. Court performances were not the bread-and-butter of the company; the performances on the public stage were. Nor was Queen Elizabeth even the patron of Shakespeare's company (you can tell from their name that The Lord Chamberlain was). She was patron of the Queen's Men, for whom Shakespeare never wrote a word. In short, Shakespeare's relationship with Queen Elizabeth was negligible and quite irrelevant to his career and to hers. You might think about it this way: the Beatles performed Please Please Me for HM Queen Elizabeth II but it would be ridiculous to infer from that that they wrote the song for her benefit.

Who did Queen Elizabeth sponsor?

None. Queen Elizabeth supported many acting companies by having them perform at court, including Shakespeare's, but his was not a particular favourite. Her successor, King James, however, took over the patronage of Shakespeare's acting company (which were then of course renamed the King's Men). He can genuinely be said to hvae sponsored Shakespeare.

Which monarch was on the throne wwhy it is when shakespeare wrote Macbeth and why was this significant?

i think it was the queen elizabeth

Why was shakespeare day called the Elizabethan period?

I think because England was under the rule of Queen Elizabeth.

What did Queen Elizabeth1 think of Shakespeare's plays?

There isn't much record. The Queen did not have the Lord Chamberlain's Men play for her very often, no more than any other company. She sponsored her own theatrical company, Queen Elizabeth's Men, and filled it with the kind of actors she mostly liked which was mostly clowns like Richard Tarleton. She may not have been a particular fan of the kind of play Shakespeare was writing.

Why Richard III said a horse your kindong for a horse?

he actually didnt, i think it was shakespeare who made it up for queen elizabeth i

Queen Elizabeth 1 and Shakespeare?

Nope. Some of Shakespeare's plays were performed before Elizabeth but there is no reason to think that she was particularly impressed by them. Her tastes ran more to knockabout physical comedy.

Why did Queen Elizabeth I save Shakespeare's acting company?

She didn't. Some people think she did and that Edward De Vere was the real Shakespeare, writing all the plays for William, and that Edward was Queen Elizabeth's son. Actual historians and scholars think these people are crazy. The true facts are that Queen Elizabeth did not "save Shakespeare's acting company". The Queen was a promoter of the theatre, being the sponsor of her own company, The Queen's Men, long before Shakespeare was even in London. This company still existed in the 1590s but was of small significance after the departure of their star, Richard Tarleton. She also ensured that there was legislation which protected any acting company which had the support of a noble or royal person. Shakespeare was part of the theatre scene before 1593, as we have a couple of references which make most sense when they are taken to refer to Shakespeare and his plays. In 1593 plague closed the theatres, but young Shakespeare made a packet of money selling copies of his semi-pornographic poem Venus and Adonis. A lot of theatre companies went backrupt at this time, but the actors reformed into new companies. One of these companies, made up mostly of actors from the former Lord Strange's Men, and headed up by the two sons of the theatre builder James Burbage, star actor Richard Burbage and savvy businessman Cuthbert Burbage reformed under the patronage of the Lord Chamberlain. They recruited the promising young writer and actor William Shakespeare to join their company, and he invested his money in it and became a junior partner. Thanks to Richard Burbage's acting, Cuthbert's management, the fact that the Burbages owned shares in a bunch of theatre buildings around London, and the steady supply of Shakespeare plays, the company went from strength to strength throughout Elizabeth's reign. After her death, the patronage of the company was taken over by the new king and the company continued to prosper long after Shakespeare and the Burbages left it. To summarize: 1. Queen Elizabeth created legislation that protected all of the chartered acting companies. 2. Queen Elizabeth did sponsor an acting company, but William Shakespeare never had anything to do with it. 3. William Shakespeare was never the director, owner, or even principal shareholder in any acting company. 4. The only acting company with which we know Shakespeare to have been associated (and he was associated with it for almost 20 years), was never in any danger that would have required Queen Elizabeth or anyone else to "save" it.

Who is the queen of the fairies in 'Romeo and Juliet'?

Elizabeth. In fact, Shakespearean sonnets have the same form as Elizabethan sonnets. The first name is for the writer who used them extensively, the second name belongs to the period during which Shakespeare wrote them (named for the reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth).

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i think it was elizabeth 1