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He felt remorse

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Q: What did the Morse code inventor think when he had to repeat the message 3 times?
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What did the Morse code inventor think when he had to repeat his message three times?

he felt remorse

What did the code inventor think when he had to repeat the message three times?

he felt remorse

What did the code inventor think when he had to repeat his message three times?

i just exited a for loop!

Where was the first message sent and where was it received using Morse code?

i think germany

What is a Morse code?

The land telegraph was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, in the 1830s I think. He built this thing that when a button was pushed at one place, it could cause a clacker to go clack at the other end of a wire many miles long. In order to send information over it, he invented a code of clacks for each letter of the alphabet ... which he modestly called Morse's Code. The message sent as the first public demonstration was "What hath god wrought".

Who created Morse Code?

The land telegraph was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, in the 1830s I think. He built this thing that when a button was pushed at one place, it could cause a clacker to go clack at the other end of a wire many miles long. In order to send information over it, he invented a code of clacks for each letter of the alphabet ... which he modestly called Morse's Code. The message sent as the first public demonstration was "What hath god wrought".

What famous message was transmitted via Morse Code between Baltimore and Washington?

The land telegraph was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, in the 1830s I think. He built this thing that when a button was pushed at one place, it could cause a clacker to go clack at the other end of a wire many miles long. In order to send information over it, he invented a code of clacks for each letter of the alphabet ... which he modestly called Morse's Code. The message sent as the first public demonstration was "What hath god wrought".

Where did Morse code start?

The land telegraph was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, in the 1830s I think. He built this thing that when a button was pushed at one place, it could cause a clacker to go clack at the other end of a wire many miles long. In order to send information over it, he invented a code of clacks for each letter of the alphabet ... which he modestly called Morse's Code.

Who was the inventor of coin money?

James Gilligan was the inventor of money i think atleast

How come it wont let you go up the ramp on shrinkray island?

I have the same problem, and I think that all you need to do is keep doing the message thing until your character says something about it afterwards. I think this works, please do not get mad at me if I'm wrong...

What is a mind message?

i dont know what a mind message is but i think that it is a message that you think of in your mind and it is called a mind message. That is what a mind message is.

What makes a good inventor?

a good inventor works hard, has a creative mind, and think hard