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"What the heck?! I'm a fish! How am I walking across the street?! and how am I able to talk?!"

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Q: What did the fish say when he crossed the street?
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Is crossed a verb?

The word crossed in the past tense of the verb to cross. He crossed the street.

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We crossed the street briskly.

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it means the cow crossed the street!

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because he crossed the street

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The adverb is carefully because it describes how you crossed the street.Compound adverb

Where do swordfish originaly come from?

I have a theory, People are starting to ask, were did a sword fish come from. No on really knows for sure. Some say an old scientist accidently crossed a sword with a dolphin or a medium sized shark. My theory is….if unicorns a real, than the crossed a unicorn with a fish. The sword part come from the horn on the unicorn's head, instead of going on the head it went to the nose. An then the rest of the body is a fish.

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Rich, old, and fat are all adjectives. They describe the woman. You would use comma to separate them. "The rich, old, fat woman crossed the street."

How do you say crosswinds in Spanish?

You say, "winds crossed:" vientoscrusados.

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Therefore, instead of turning at Faber Street, she crossed it.

How to say i crossed the border in spanish?

You can say "Crucé la frontera".

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Giniw-miigwanan aazhawishkaawag(eagle-feathers-they-are-crossed-over).

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begin with the fingers crossed; uncross them.