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You can find many different verses about dancing in The Bible (Google them! There's quite a few) Usually, this dancing was done during mourning or celebrations, and it was usually women dancing with women, or occasionally men dancing with men. I have not seen verses where it is suggested that men and women are dancing with each other (like men and women dance together now days.)

The Bible is very clear on staying away or fleeing from ANY kind of sexual temptations or sin, and for each person this could be a little different. Where as one person can handle a simple hug from the opposite sex another person could be aroused by that. Take into account that the Bible says not to cause a brother or sister to stumble. It is not your responsibility if another person has a weekness in a certain area, but it is your responsibility to help guard them. If your actions may cause someone to stumble it is probably best you refrain from whatever it may be that causes them to stumble. Many people like to give YES or NO answers to whether something is right or not. But I would have to advise you to seek God and really pray about these activities, such as dancing. And don't just pray about it with your mind set on your decision of what you are going to choose, give God space to really speak to you. Some people will not be tempted dancing with the opposite sex, where as for other people, that could be just a little too much for them to handle. Environment of the dancing is also another big thing to take into consideration. One place I am very concerned, is a married person dancing with the opposite sex aside from their spouse. This is a VERY dangerous place to go. If not in your own heart, but it could be in the other person's and it is something I HIGHLY recommend stay completely AWAY from ! Overall, I encourage you to truly seek God on these issues. Pray about it. Study it. And keep God # 1 in your decisions ! ! ! ! :)

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Q: What do the bible say about Christian dance at wedding?
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