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The foreman tab and apple choir

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Q: What do you call a group of factory foreman who sing while drinking tab cola and eating crab apples?
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What do you call a group of factory foreman who sing while drinking tab and eating crab apples?

Oh that is an easy one! The foremen tab and apple choir!

What do you call a group of factory foremen who sing while drinking tab cola and eating crab apples?

The foremen tab and apple choir.

What do you call a group of factory foremen who sing while drinking tab cola and eating crabapples?

The answer to this riddle is 'the foremen tab and apple choir.'

Foods in alphbatical order?

Apples blue apples crunchy apples dull apples eating apples frozen apples (edible) .... you get the picture

What harmful effects will eating too many apples have?

Eating too many apples will cause a laxative effect.

What do parrot use their beaks for?

they use their beak for drinking and eating

How is headland formed?

by eating apples

Is there a special diet for someone with acid reflux disease?

Yes, you can try eating more broccoli and mushrooms. Try drinking lemon juice and vinegar mixed with honey water. You can also try eating tomatoes and apples every day.

Can you use eating apples in an apple pie?

Yes, just remember that eating apples are normally sweeter than cooking apples so don't add too much sugar.

Which is healtier drinking a milk before eating or drinking a milk after eating?

It is healtier either way.

Do apples lower your metabolism?

No, it hasn't been proven that eating apples lowers your metabolism.

What is the difference of the eating apples and the cooking apples?

I dont think there is a diffrence between the two