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She says that she has no clue who really buried the body, but that whoever did it, shall be punished.

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Q: What does Antigone say when Creon confronts her about covering Polynices?
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What brave act does Antigone do?

Antigone buries her brother Polynices, even though her uncle, Creon, forbid it.

Who has directly violated Creon's decree?

It was Antigone; Creon's decree was that Polynices was not be be given burial rights but Antigone violated this decree by burying the body of her brother.

What are the points of view of Antigone and Creon toward the burial of Polynices?

Antigone believed her brother, Polynices, should have been buried and honored just at Eteocles had been. Creon believed that Polynices was a traitor for attacking Thebes and therefor left him to rot in the field. He also sent out a decree that no one was to bury him.

What does Careon do just before he finds Antigone dead?

before going to free antigone, creon properly burries polynices

In what way is the prophecy of teiresias fulfilled?

The prophecy was that if Creon did not bury Polynices, his punishment of Antigone will bring a curse down on Thebes. Teiresias prophecy is fufilled by Haimon killing himself..Since Creon would not let Antigone bury her brother(Polynices),Antigone killed herself. So Haimon killed himself because he wanted to be with Antigone because the Creon would not bury the brother of Antigone.

How does Antigone die in 'Antigone?

King Creon of Thebes passed a law forbidding the burial of Antigone's brother Polynices. Creon passed this law because Polynices led an army against Thebes, his native country. Polynies's brother Eteocles, however, is given a proper burial because he led Thebes in this war. Antigone wanted to bury her brother Polynices because the laws of the gods commanded it. Antigone burried her brother and confessed her deed to Creon. Creon then sentenced her to her death. He burried her alive in a cave with just enough food to survive. Antigone decided to hang herself to put herself out of her misery.

What does the sentinel tell Creon?

The sentinel tells Creon that someone has buried Polynices's body, going against Creon's orders.

Who is Megareus in Antigone?

He is son to Creon and Eurydice and brother to Haemon. He does not appear in Antigone because he died during the struggle between Polynices and Eteocles.

Which character is arrested for burying Polyneices?

Antigone is the character that is arrested for burying Polynices. She asks Creon to arrest her, and at first he refuses.

Antigone is divided between obeying who?

Creon (King of Thebes) and the gods. Creon forbid the burial of Polynices- yet the gods wanted everyone to be buried; both the good and the bad.

Creon tragic hero?

Yes, Creon is the tragic hero. His flaw is his hubris (of course) and his recognition is after Tiresias comes and his reversal is when he buries Polynices and then goes to try to get Antigone back. Too late..

How Creon is in conflict with Antigone?

How is Creon in conflict with Antigone