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"Jesu Maria" is just an exclamation, and the rest is basically "you cried so much because of Rosaline" (and you already want to marry Juliet?!?) 8'D

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Q: What does Jesu Maria what a deal of brine Hath wash'd thy sallow cheeks for Rosaline mean?
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When romeo asked friar to marry him to Juliet friar comments on romeo fickleness What was friar's comment to romeo?

"Holy Saint Francis! What a change is here! Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear, So soon forsaken? Young men's love then lies Not truly in their hearts but in their eyes. Jesu Maria! What a deal of brine Has washed thy sallow cheeks for Rosaline! How much salt water thrown away in waste To season love, that of it doth not taste! The sun not yet thy sighs from heaven clears Thy old groans ring yet in my ancient ears. Lo, here upon thy cheek the stain doth sit Of an old tear that is not washed off yet. If e'er thou wast thyself, and these woes thine, Thou and these woes were all for Rosaline. And art thou changed? Pronounce this sentence then: Women may fall when there's no strength in men."

Who is Mary Dow Brine?

she is the author of somebody' s mother

WHAT AM I I am a commercial name for brine shrimp sold to students what am i?

Sea MOnkeys

What is the meaning of the poem somebody's mother by Mary Dow Brine?

it means that where ever we see old people we should help and take the blessings

What has the author Mary D Brine written?

Mary D. Brine has written: 'Grandma's attic treasures' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Love, home and mother, the book for our darlings' -- subject(s): American Nursery rhymes 'My boy and I' 'The little twin roses' 'The doings of a dear little couple' -- subject(s): Children's literature 'A mother's song' -- subject(s): Accessible book '\\' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Roly Poly Joe'

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When romeo asked friar to marry him to Juliet friar comments on romeo fickleness What was friar's comment to romeo?

"Holy Saint Francis! What a change is here! Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear, So soon forsaken? Young men's love then lies Not truly in their hearts but in their eyes. Jesu Maria! What a deal of brine Has washed thy sallow cheeks for Rosaline! How much salt water thrown away in waste To season love, that of it doth not taste! The sun not yet thy sighs from heaven clears Thy old groans ring yet in my ancient ears. Lo, here upon thy cheek the stain doth sit Of an old tear that is not washed off yet. If e'er thou wast thyself, and these woes thine, Thou and these woes were all for Rosaline. And art thou changed? Pronounce this sentence then: Women may fall when there's no strength in men."

What color is brine?

Brine is a greenish color.

What is herobrine's real name?

Herobrines name is Brine PM Me why My answer is Brine cus notch is in the fire and Brine save him but brine died in the fire so notch call brine into Herobrine

What are brine shrimps habitat?

what is the habitat of brine shrimp

What are brine shrimp classified as?

Brine Shrimp are crustaceans.

What do brine-shrimp like?

Brine-shrimp like algae and eggs Brine-shrimp like algae and eggs

Which stick head is better brine clutch or stx18?

The brine clutch! No doubt about it. The brine clutch! The stx18 sucks.

Stx proton power or brine clutch?

Brine Clutch

Who discovered brine shrimp?

Thong discovered the brine shrimps.

When did Brine Lacrosse happen?

Brine Lacrosse happened in 2005.

When was Beverly Brine born?

Beverly Brine was born in 1961.

When was Augustus Brine born?

Augustus Brine was born in 1769.