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Widely regarded as the greatest writer in English Language.

With his 38 plays, and the very famous Romeo and Juliet, throughout the past decades Shakespeare's been in all literacy project in schools around the world.

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Q: What effect did William Shakespeare have in history?
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Is William Shakespeare important?

William Shakespeare is the most important writer in the history of writing plays.

What effect did William Shakespeare have on literature?


Who baptised William Shakespeare?

William Shakespeare was baptised on 26 April 1564. But the actual name of the priest is not mentioned in history.

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Probably Shakespeare. Just about anyone who goes to school hears about Shakespeare; not everyone studies the history of the United Kingdom.

Were any of William Shakespeare's plays real?

Shakespeare's history plays were based on real events.

How did William Shakespeare change or impact history?

yes he did he was an inspreation

How did William Shakespeare effect today?

Shakespeare created over 3,000 words that are used in our everyday speech.

How Did William Shakespeare Affect History?

William Shakespeare affected history by being a pioneer in his writing, and producing such a large amount of plays. Many of plays are considered classics today, and are read in schools.

Was William Shakespeare famous for his play writes?

of course! do you know history?

Did the works of William Shakespeare had a great impact on the history of the world?

Yes they had.

What are Shakespeare's genres?

what 4 genres did William Shakespeare write in ? Shakespeare wrote plays and poetry. he wrote history, tragedy, romance and comedy

How did William Shakespeare come to know about Caesar?

He would have learnt about him when he studied History.