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Q: What entertainment did people have other than the Globe Theatre in the seventeen hundreds?
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What entertainment did people have in the 15th century?

They had the chance to go to the theatre.

Why do people still visit the theatre?

for entertainment to watch movies. To watch new releases.

What type of entertainment do french like?

they like theatre, music and most things normal people do.

Why did people attend the plays at the globe theatre?

For entertainment. Movies weren't around in those days soinstead of going to the cinemas like we do, they went to the theatre :)

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Okuni's Kabuki was the first dramatic entertainment of any importance that was designed for the tastes of the common people in Japan.

What were the entertainment of people in colonial Maryland?

theatre, bobbing for apples, husking bees, dancing, parties, surprise parties, gatherings, going to church, ice skating, tobogganing

Why did people go see Shakespeare in the 15th and 16th century?

Just as we go to see a movie in a theatre. Public entertainment. Remember, they did not have television and many of the electronics that we have today.

What did they like to do for entertainment in the Tudor times r?

There was no electricity in the tudor times and very little people were able to read so for entertainment rich people went to the theatre. But if you were poor, you couldnt afford to watch a play so public executions were very popular and people used to que through the night to get the best seats!

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Seventeen People from Toronto - 2005 was released on: USA: 1 January 2005 (DVD premiere)

What kind of entertainment did they have in the Elizabethan times?

In the Tudor times many people had to make their own entertainment. There were no computers, televisions and mp3 players and very few people could read. Without electricity, often people got up early in the morning when it was light and went to bed when it was dark. They worked most of the day and week and so much entertainment was saved until Sundays. The one day of the week when most people didn't work.