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We determine our own fate through our actions.

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Q: What ethical position or worldview is implied in the following passage spoken by Creon to Oedipus from Oedipus Rex?
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What ethical positions or worldview are implied in the passage spoken by Oedipus from Oedipus Rex?

Oedipus shows how fate is going to happen no matter what you do. This story actually shows that the intentions of the parents actually ensured that the oracle was going to happen.

What ethical position or worldview does Creon imply when he speaks to Oedipus in 'Oedipus Rex'?

Rules for life in the world are set by the gods and human behavior that is not adjusted accordingly is punished are the respective ethical position and worldview implied by Creon when he speaks with Oedipus in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Creon has three conversations with Theban King Oedipus, his brother-in-law and nephew. In the first, he brings up the Apolline solution to the pestilence in Thebes. In the second, he defends himself against allegations of conspiracy with Teiresias the blind prophet to commit treason against Oedipus. In the third, he meets with the disgraced Oedipus to discuss the future. In all three cases, he seeks to know what offends the gods and what can be done in the way of atonement, behavior modification or punishment to get back in their good graces.

If 'anagnorisis' is the tragic hero's change from ignorance to knowledge then what worldview does Oedipus's anagnorisis in 'Oedipus Rex' present?

Oedipus's recognition of the role he played in his own downfall reflects the worldview that our actions play a role in controlling our destinies. APEX D. recognition (or self-recognition). The ethical questions posed by Sophocles don't have simple answers.Apexs

What did the Hebrews ethical world view grow out of?

The Hebrews' ethical worldview grew out of the Written and Oral Torah and years of interpretation of those sources.

What may the characters in 'Oedipus Rex' be thought to represent?

ethical positions; worldviews

What ethical positions or worldviews are implied in lines 1385-1387 spoken by Oedipus from Oedipus Rex?

Our lives are both determined by fate and freewill.

What are different ethical positions and worldviews represented by in 'Oedipus Rex'?

Questions. The characters represent the positions and world views, but their questions in the play betray their philosophies.

What is true about Oedipus Rex?

the ethical questions posed by sophocles dont have simple answers

What is true of 'Oedipus Rex'?

The ethical questions posed by Sophocles don't have simple answers.the ethical questions posed by sophocles dont have simple answers

What is true in 'Oedipus Rex'?

The ethical questions posed by Sophocles don't have simple answers.the ethical questions posed by sophocles dont have simple answers

What differences do the characters of 'Oedipus Rex' represent?

The characters in Oedipus Rex may be thought of as representing different ETHICAL POSITIONS or WORLDVIEWS. yay for wiki!! hallahaks

The characters in Oedipus Rex may be thought of as representing different what?

Ethical positions; worldviews<---apex--->