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Macduff refuses to attend Macbeth's coronation

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Q: What evidence do we have at the end of act 2 of macduff's opposition of Macbeth?
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What evidence do we have at the end of act 2 of macduff's opposition to Macbeth?

Macduff refuses to attend Macbeth's coronation.

In Act 3 what hints or nuances are given of the gathering forces of opposition to Macbeth?

In Act 3 of Macbeth, hints and nuances of the gathering forces of opposition to Macbeth include Macduff's suspicious absence at Macbeth's coronation, Banquo's suspicions about the witches' prophecies, and Lennox's cryptic comments about the state of Scotland under Macbeth's rule. These subtle signs suggest that there are growing forces aligning against Macbeth's reign, setting the stage for his downfall.

In this act what hints or nuances are given of the gathering forces of opposition to Macbeth?

In which act? If you're going to ask for homework answers, at least ask the whole question.

What happens when Macbeth sends murderers to kill Macduff's family?

Macbeth sends murderers to kill Macduff's family in an attempt to eliminate any potential threats to his own power. This ruthless act solidifies Macbeth's descent into tyranny and cruelty, as he seeks to maintain his position on the throne at any cost. The murder of Macduff's family ultimately leads to Macduff seeking revenge against Macbeth, contributing to his downfall.

Did Macduff get killed?

No, Macduff wasn't killed. But his entire family and household were stabbed to death, in Act 4 Scene 2. The Fife Castle massacre of the Macduffs and everyone connected to them was arranged by Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057]. So Macduff bided his time for revenge. The opportunity came in Act 5 Scene 8, when he and Macbeth found themselves on the same part of the battlefield near Dunsinane Castle. Macduff killed and beheaded his opponent.

What have macbeths soldiers done in scene 5 act 5?

In Act 5, Scene 5 of Macbeth, Macbeth’s soldiers desert him and join forces with Malcolm's army. Due to the overwhelming opposition he faces, Macbeth realizes that his reign is doomed, leading to his desperation and ultimate downfall.

How has Macbeth changed in this act from Acts 1 and 2?

Lady Macbeth totally sucks Macbeth's dick right now.

Who first fight Macbeth act 5?

Young Siward is the first to fight Macbeth in Act V. Macbeth kills young Siward.

What evidence is there that's Banquo macduff and the other do not trust Macbeth?

At various times in the play various lords show their mistrust and suspicion for Macbeth. Macduff shows it when he refuses to attend Macbeth's coronation at the end of Act II. Banquo starts Act three by saying "I fear thou play'dst most foully for't". In Act III Scene 6 Lennox expresses his suspicions of Macbeth. Ross arrives in England in Act IV Scene 3 to deliver a message as usual, but it is clear that he will not return to Scotland.

Which character did not appear in act 4 of Macbeth?

Lady Macbeth

Who died in act 2 of Macbeth?

In Act 2 of Macbeth, King Duncan is murdered by Macbeth in his sleep. Lady Macbeth also kills the two sleeping guards to frame them for the murder.

Why does Macbeth not want to fight Macbeth?

Macbeth didn't want to fight Macduff, because he didn't want to add any more bloodied casualties to the Fife Castle massacre body count. In Act 4 Scene 2, Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057] had Macduff's entire family and household massacred at the Macduffs' home of Fife Castle. In Act 5 Scene 8, Macduff finally caught up with Macbeth and challenged him to fight. Macbeth didn't want to fight for two reasons. The reason that he didn't reveal was the witches' warning to beware of Macduff. The reason that he did reveal was the weight on his soul from having ordered the Fife Castle massacre.