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At various times in the play various lords show their mistrust and suspicion for Macbeth. Macduff shows it when he refuses to attend Macbeth's coronation at the end of Act II. Banquo starts Act three by saying "I fear thou play'dst most foully for't". In Act III Scene 6 Lennox expresses his suspicions of Macbeth. Ross arrives in England in Act IV Scene 3 to deliver a message as usual, but it is clear that he will not return to Scotland.

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Q: What evidence is there that's Banquo macduff and the other do not trust Macbeth?
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Who gets to sleep in the tragedy of Macbeth?

Well, if you mean killed, there were many! King Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macduff, Lady Macduff's son, other members of the Macduff family and Macbeth!

Which two characters are able to see the witches in Macbeth?

Banquo and Macbeth. And the other witches, of course.

How does Macbeth handle the threat posed by Macduff?

Malcom tests Macduff by saying he is going to be a horrible king. He says that this is a test to see if Macduff will continue to support him even if he was worse than Macbeth. If Macduff said he would then Malcolm would know him for a toady who would agree to anything. He then claims to be well-nigh perfect, and that he has never told a lie before the whopper he just told to Macduff. Yeah, right. Anyway, Macduff is prepared to go along with him because he would do anything to get rid of Macbeth.

How do Banquo and Macbeth react to the witches?

Macbeth takes them 100% seriously and completely believes them Banquo on the other hand takes it with a grain of salt and calmly waits for fate to work itself out.

Explain the paradox of Lesser than Macbeth and greater?

The three witches described Banquo as 'lesser than Macbeth, and greater'. They meant that Banquo was lesser, because he held the same job title whereas Macbeth became Thane of Cawdor in additiion to Thane of Glamis. Banquo didn't get to advance past being Captain. But Macbeth received another noble title, and would become king. Nevertheless, Banquo was greater, because he didn't have Macbeth's fatal flaw of raging ambition and manipulability. Banquo also was greater, because he was going to be the ancestor of a long line of kings. But Macbeth would hold and lose his title, and would have no descendants to succeed him.

Related questions

Who gets to sleep in the tragedy of Macbeth?

Well, if you mean killed, there were many! King Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macduff, Lady Macduff's son, other members of the Macduff family and Macbeth!

Who does Macbeth have to murder to keep one of the witches prophecies from coming true?

The wrong people. In order to thwart the prophecy about Banquo's children becoming kings, he has Banquo killed, but not his son Fleance. Fleance will go on to become the ancestor of kings. Macbeth killed the father when he should have killed the son. Then, in order to try to thwart the prophecy about Macduff, he has Macduff's son (and wife and other children) murdered. Macduff will go on to defeat Macbeth. Macbeth killed the son when he should have killed the father.

Who do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth kill in the play?

The Macbeth family victim list is: King Duncan, his two chamberlains, Macbeth's fellow general Banquo, Lady Macduff and her children. Eventually Lady Macbeth kills herself. Macbeth also kills young Siward towards the end and McDonald along with young siward during the battle when the forest "walks" up to the castle. the above is not exactly true - Macbeth kills - the traitorous Macdonwald, (mentioned in 1.2). Duncan, his two sleeping chamberlains, and young Siward. That's it. He hires murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance (they only get Banquo), as well as to kill Macduff and his family (they only get her son, and presumably, Lady Macduff - but in the text she exits before being killed) There is no evidence that Lady Macbeth kills herself, other than a line that she "tis thought, by self and violent hands took off her life"

Who shows more loyalty to Duncan in Act two Macduff or Banquo?

Banquo shows more loyalty to Duncan in Act two. Macduff, while loyal to Duncan, is not present in Act two as he is unaware of Duncan's murder. Banquo, on the other hand, expresses loyalty and concern for Duncan's safety when he expresses his hope that the King has had a pleasant journey to Macbeth's castle.

Who does Macbeth murder to keep one of the witches prophecies from coming true?

The wrong people. In order to thwart the prophecy about Banquo's children becoming kings, he has Banquo killed, but not his son Fleance. Fleance will go on to become the ancestor of kings. Macbeth killed the father when he should have killed the son. Then, in order to try to thwart the prophecy about Macduff, he has Macduff's son (and wife and other children) murdered. Macduff will go on to defeat Macbeth. Macbeth killed the son when he should have killed the father.

Who kills Macbeth for Revenge and to restore the throne to the proper ruler?

Macbeth was killed by Macduff because Macbeth had send men to kill (successfully) Macduff's wife and son. Also, since Macbeth was the tryant ruler of Scotland, Macduff (and the English forces brought by Malcom) were in battle with Macbeth and his men.

Act 4 Scene 3 Macbeth how does Malcolm describe himself to Macduff?

Shakespeare characterizes Macduff as someone who starts opening the eyes of the other characters because he seems to be the only one, beside Banquo, that suspects that Macbeth has something to do with Duncan's death.

Which Characters die on stage in act 4 of Macbeth?

- Duncan (king) - Two guards - Banquo (Macbeth tried tried to kill Flence, Banquo's son, but he escaped) - Lady Macduff and her son - young siward (son of the leader of the army that will kill Macbeth)

What are the similarities and differences between Macbeth and Banquo?

Similarities: Both Macbeth and Banquo are Scottish generals and loyal friends of King Duncan. They are both ambitious and play significant roles in the events of the play. Differences: Macbeth is more easily swayed by his ambition and ends up becoming consumed by power, leading to his downfall. Banquo, on the other hand, remains loyal to his moral compass and refuses to act on the prophecies he receives, ultimately leading to his death.

What revenge can Macduff not get on Macbeth?

The massacre of an entire household is the revenge that Macduff cannot get on Macbeth.Specifically, Macbeth orders the murder of all inhabitants of Macduff's castle. Macduff suspects that Macbeth's actions are headed in that direction. So he escapes death by fleeing across the border between Scotland and England. He leaves behind his possessions and household, including his wife and family. In England, Macduff learns that there are no Macduff survivors other than himself in the aftermath of Macbeth's raid.Ultimately, Macduff fights and kills his sovereign. But Macbeth's Lady already dies at her own hands, Macbeth appears to have no descendants, and Macbeth's supporters desert to the combined armies of the invading English and disgruntled Scots.

Which two characters are able to see the witches in Macbeth?

Banquo and Macbeth. And the other witches, of course.

When does Macbeth kill Macduff?

In his dreams. Macbeth does not kill Macduff, it's the other way around. Macduff kills Macbeth at the end of Act V, at the end of the play. It is interesting that, although Macbeth is based (extremely loosely) on a historical character, there was no historical Macduff.