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Because they all are jealous!

Hop that helps.

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Q: What evidence is there to support proctors assertion?
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What evidence would support proctor assertion?

proctor want to tantalize his commotions within the trial people.

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He descibes his sos rare mathmatical backround

What does assertion mean in a literary text?

In a literary text, an assertion is a strong statement that presents a point of view or argument. It is a claim made by the author that requires support and evidence to be convincing. Assertions can help shape the overall theme or message of the text.

What was Elizabeth Proctors age in The Crucible?

By calculating the evidence provided. I have made the conclusion that she is indeed a certain age.

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Intelligent design, Hovind Theory Added: The above are not scientific theories but more ideological assertions in nature. No positive evidence supports either assertion.

Do sloths grab their own arms thinking they are tree branches and fall to their death?

No, this was an assertion made by Douglas Adams with respect to an Essay "The Salmon of Doubt". There is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

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assertion support

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What is assertion of fact?

An assertion is a forthright statement or declaration. It may be a fact, but the speaker or writer has not provided any evidence that it is.For more information see Related links below.

Did Jesus have a cat?

There is no biblical evidence to support this assertion. Psalms 50:10 - "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the CATtle upon a thousand hills." At any rate, He owns every animal, because He made them all.

How did you reacted to Elizabeth Proctors arrest?

I did not react to Elizabeth Proctors arrest.