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To be honest, Wikipedia is a good starting point for this type of research. If you have been directed to avoid Wikipedia, try the Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary, provided under "related links."

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Q: What is a good source for definitions and examples of musical terms?
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To me a good source of analysis (in terms of both style, voicing, and countrapuntal ingenuity) is his 48 preludes and fugues. See the link below.

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There are millions and millions of musical terms, and I could not possibly hope to explain them all, but here are a few examples. Staccato=Short or disconnected Ritardo=Slow down Crescendo=louder Decrescendo=softer Legato=long or connected If you want more, search 'Musical terms' on google.

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The glossary section of a textbook provides definitions of key terms. This section is typically located at the end of the book and lists important terms along with their definitions for reference.

Is there a book that lists and defines musical terms?

Many theory books are available that include definitions of all sorts, look in any good quality music shop or online and you will find them!

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That's not a musical term.

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"Literary Terms and Definitions A." Literary Terms and Definitions A. 8 Apr. 2013. 15 June 2013 <>.

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There are hundreds of musical terms that end in a vowel. These terms can be found on various websites that contain a music glossary.

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A musical score or the process of creating a musical score.

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Science students can answer this question better.

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An easy to use glossary of computer and Internet terms with definitions that are easy to understand. Terms and definitions relating to computer, technology, Internet resources and much more.