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tree jokes are basically jokes with some reference of tree in it , but you have to be more precise about your question to find an exact answer.

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Q: What is a good what do you call a tree joke?
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Your joke should end as below: what do you call a frozen tree? Trouser.

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A good rhyming joke that end with bee tree is: Why did the bee go to the tree doctor? (Because she had hives!)

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I am not good at jokes so I am not in a position to give you a good Mr Bee and Mrs Tree joke.

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What do you call an apple tree, orange tree, pear tree, and banana tree that allows a kid to take as much as he wants? Four Giving Trees. A bad joke, though. xD

What are some good tree jokes?

Here is one good tree joke: "Q: What is a tree's least favorite month? A: Sep-timber!"

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A good hippo joke is what would you call an insecure hippo? The answer is a hippocrite.

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What do you call a bee in a bed? A bed bug.

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The joke where the punch line is Tree can't eat is: What did the tree eat? Tree can't eat

Why did the lumberjack cut the tree down Don't ax me explain joke?

The lumberjack cut down the tree to have a Christmas. This is a joke.

If a tree falls in the forest joke?

It is not a joke because it can cause google warming

What do you call a pickle who draw it a joke?

You can call a pickle who draw it a joke a sweet dill.

What do you call a happy bee it a joke?

This is a joke on internet.The answer for this joke is boo bee.