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Haimon's main concern is that he be with antigone and that his father would let them be. Creon main concern is that haimon and antigone does not get married.

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Q: What is haimon's main concern with Creon in antigone?
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Does the chorus allude to Antigone or to Creon?

The chorus comments on the actions of the main characters in the play 'Antigone'. Most of their comments deal with the actions of Theban King Creon. But the chorus also comments on the single-focused passionate fury of Antigone.

What role does Creon play in 'Antigone'?

Theban King Creon plays two main roles in the play 'Antigone'. Dramatically, he plays the role of the villain. Functionally, he plays the role of head of state.

What is the main reason why Antigone and Creon cannot resolve their conflict in 'Antigone'?

That each one is relentless, stubborn and uncompromisingis the main reason why Antigone and Creon cannot resolve their conflict in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone and King Creon are related to each other as uncle to niece. In addition to common ancestors, they have similarly dominating, unreconciling personalities that make it difficult for them to get along. For example, Antigone and Creon never let anything pass and never let go of what gets their attention. They just never make room for the flow of ideas and opinions other than their own.

What is the main reason that Antigone and Creon cannot resolve their conflict in 'Antigone'?

Stubbornness is the reason that Antigone and Creon cannot resolve their conflict in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, stubbornness refers to a refusal to modify an opinion. This description fits Theban Princess Antigone and her uncle, King Creon. Neither one accepts contrary opinions, and in fact neither one has any interest in information contrary to the emotions and facts upon which they base their opinions.

Why is Creon the tragic hero in 'Antigone'?

Creon is not the tragic hero in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, a hero is the main character, the holder of great powers, and the doer of great deeds. That hero is tragic when his life takes an unfortunate turn. The description of the hero does not fit Theban King Creon, who is capable of no great deed or power. But the description of tragic does fit Creon, as a tragic figure in a tragic play about the tragedy of the tragic heroine Antigone.

Related questions

Does the chorus allude to Antigone or to Creon?

The chorus comments on the actions of the main characters in the play 'Antigone'. Most of their comments deal with the actions of Theban King Creon. But the chorus also comments on the single-focused passionate fury of Antigone.

How is everyone related to Creon?

Except for Teiresias the blind prophet, all of the main characters in 'Antigone' are related to Theban King Creon. Antigone and Ismene are both the nieces and the great nieces of their uncle and great uncle, Creon. Antigone also is Creon's future daughter-in-law through her engagement to Haemon. Antigone's and Ismene's twin brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, are both the nephews and the great nephews of their uncle and great uncle, Creon. Haemon is Creon's only surviving child and heir apparent. He also is Antigone's cousin and fiance. Theban Queen Eurydice is Creon's wife.

What role does Creon play in 'Antigone'?

Theban King Creon plays two main roles in the play 'Antigone'. Dramatically, he plays the role of the villain. Functionally, he plays the role of head of state.

What is the main reason why Antigone and Creon cannot resolve their conflict in 'Antigone'?

That each one is relentless, stubborn and uncompromisingis the main reason why Antigone and Creon cannot resolve their conflict in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone and King Creon are related to each other as uncle to niece. In addition to common ancestors, they have similarly dominating, unreconciling personalities that make it difficult for them to get along. For example, Antigone and Creon never let anything pass and never let go of what gets their attention. They just never make room for the flow of ideas and opinions other than their own.

What is the main reason that Antigone and Creon cannot resolve their conflict in 'Antigone'?

Stubbornness is the reason that Antigone and Creon cannot resolve their conflict in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, stubbornness refers to a refusal to modify an opinion. This description fits Theban Princess Antigone and her uncle, King Creon. Neither one accepts contrary opinions, and in fact neither one has any interest in information contrary to the emotions and facts upon which they base their opinions.

Why is Creon the tragic hero in 'Antigone'?

Creon is not the tragic hero in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, a hero is the main character, the holder of great powers, and the doer of great deeds. That hero is tragic when his life takes an unfortunate turn. The description of the hero does not fit Theban King Creon, who is capable of no great deed or power. But the description of tragic does fit Creon, as a tragic figure in a tragic play about the tragedy of the tragic heroine Antigone.

Who is the main speaker in 'Antigone'?

The main speaker in the play 'Antigone' may be considered as the character who has the most words to speak. That person appears to be Theban King Creon. For he dominates every action in the play, by his direct presence or by direct references to him by the main characters.

What is the resolution to 'Antigone'?

Creon's overthrow is the resolution to "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the resolution can be defined as the end to the main conflict. The main conflict revolves around the recognition of the ultimate earthly authority as gods or kings. The gods rule, and therefore Creon must lose as the king who trespasses into the divine domain of power.

How are Antigone and Creon caught in a double bind?

In the play 'Antigone', the main character of the same name and Theban King Creon are caught in a double bind. For Antigone can't show genuine respect to Polyneices' body without violating her uncle's kingly decrees. But the King can't revoke his laws without considering himself a weakling unworthy to lead the state.

How is Creon a tragic hero in 'Antigone'?

Creon is not a tragic hero in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, a hero is someone who does great deeds, has great powers and is the main character in the play. Neither the title nor the position description applies to Theban King Creon. In fact, it is doubtful that Creon is intended to be anything other than the play's villain because of his defiance of divine will and cherished Theban traditions.

How do the minor characters help you judge Antigone and Creon?

The main characters drive the play and put us in moral dilemma that each one of us must answer to ourselves. The following are snippets of the main character from Antigone to help keep them straight when reading the play...

Why was the play called 'Antigone' instead of 'Creon'?

Because Antigone is the main character and the tragic hero, the play by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.) is called "Antigone" instead of "Creon."Specifically, the main character is the person who affects the course of action. The tragic hero is the character who does great deeds but meets with an unfortunate end. Both descriptions fit Theban Princess Antigone. In fact, her burial of her brother Polyneices affects the actions of all other characters, is a great deed, and results in the unfortunate turn that her life takes.