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Q: What is the answer to level one of Sam Davyson's the web riddle two?
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You will want to go to a riddle website. sorry

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To beat Tom Riddle's diary, you have to stab it with a basilk fang.

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It can be both of things. It can be charlie's one more fantasy as he was trying to get into the third level so he was finding its possibilities in any thing, whether by himself or through his friend Sam. Or it can be that Sam too wanted to escape and he founded the third level enterance. Why Sam? because he too was a normal person first who was confined in his moribund city life and its tension. Huh!its confusing...

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The riddle answer: One

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There are no cheats, it's a joke. Riddle School 5 is the real one.

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Riddle School 4 is an April's Fools joke, Riddle School 5 is already out, I think it's the best one in the series(in my oppinion), it's the longest, and SURELY the last one.

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