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A producing theatre will produce its own theatre productions 'in-house' including desinging, building and rehearsing etc. They usually have their own set-building workshops and wardrobe departments onsite at the theatre or nearby, although sometimes external builders and suppliers may be used. Usually the Artistic Director will decide on the programme for the season, choosing the plays to be performed. Following this the Creative Team will be employed, including the director, designers (set, lighting, costume, sound etc) and work will begin on the design of the production. Casting, rehearsals and a continuation of the design process follow, until the production is ready to open to the public.

A receiving theatre will 'receive' productions that have been produced elsewhere, either by a producing theatre that for example has decided to tour one of its own productions, or by a a theatre company that does not have a theatre space or venue of its own and produces exclusively for touring. Receiving theatres also include West End venues that receive 'transfers'; productions that have enjoyed a successful run or tour outside of the West End, that are bought by producers and put into a London venue in the hope of achieving further success.

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Q: What is the difference between a receiving theater and a producing theater?
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What is receiving theater?

why hasn't mmy question not been answerd....A receiving theater is a theater which receive's productions that have been made else-where. Either by producing theater's that have for example decided to our one of there productions. Or by a theater company that doesn't have any space for a production.

How does a receiving theater differ from a producing theater?

At a receiving theatre you will only see touring productions. At a producing theatre the shows are put on by the company resident in that theatre - the company is employed by the theatre, rehearsals take place there etc. Most major local theatres will be receiving theatres. London has more producing theatres such as the National theatre.

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a theater is just the theater itself while a theater company is a community theater where productions are rehearsed and put on at the same place. The theater company wins awards for it's shows instead of an individual show receiving and keeping the awards.

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What is a NON receiving theater and producing theater?

obviously, a receiving theatre makes profit on other companies and it simply acts as a host, and somewhere for shows to be performed, e.g. palladium. and a producing theatre is a theatre that produces its own shows. from the actors, directors, funding for set and props, its all usually done with what they already have e.g. kevin spacey's old vic. and also look at stratford and the rsc. hope this helps :)

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It is no difference

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The theater is a performing art form whose performances usually take place in a theater.

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There really is no difference between a cinema and a movie theater. The only real difference is the word itself. Depending on where you are, some people may refer to it as a cinema, while other people may refer to it as a movie theater. There really is no difference in meaning.

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Opera and musical theater are much alike except that musical theater generally has much more spoken dialogue than opera does.

What is the major difference between present theater and Shakespeare theater with scenery?

i have no freaking clue! go find out somewhere else! you fat lard.