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Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch. During a water shortage

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Used during the California water shortage in the 70's.

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Q: What is the origin of if it's yellow let it mellow If it's brown flush it down?
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How can you save water in the toilet?

if its yellow let it mellow if its brown flush it down

How can you coexist and preserve nature?

if its yellow, let it mellow. If its brown, flush it down.

What do you do in Poptropica Game Show Island after you give the guy a nickel?

if it is yellow keep it mellow if it is brown flush it down

What does it mean to let the yellow mellow?

it means to flush the toilet after you peed.

How can you increase your toilet water efficiency?

if its brown, flush it down and if its yellow let it mellow! But always use half flush, 'cos you can flush twice and still feel reasonably good. usually u only need to flush once though.

What does it mean when somebody says you let the yellow mellow?

It means they don't flush the toilet after they urinate.

What does the phrase let the yellow mellow mean?

I saw Donovan perform the song "Mellow Yellow" on TV, back when the song was a hit. I don't remember what TV show it was on, but the host asked Donovan what he meant by "Mellow Yellow". Donovan explained that "Mellow Yellow" was the nickname for their keyboard, the camera flashed to a close-up of the keyboard and it was bright yellow in color. I think they said it was a very cutting edge, high-tech keyboard (for the times). If you listen to the sound of the keyboard in the song, it makes some very interesting sounds. That all makes sense of the lyrics.

What does a yellow-brown snot mean?

You may have a cold and or a sinus infection. I would go to a doctor.

How can you save energy at home?

Turn lights off in rooms not in use.Keep the thermostat turned down at night.Weatherstrip all outside doors.Run water sparingly. And for the truly dedicated to saving (!) flush less ("When it's yellow, let it mellow. When it's brown, flush it down.")use more fluorescent bulbs and fewer incandescent bulbs.Solar panels can be added,More bushes, shrubs and flowerbeds can be used, in order to cut down on lawn size, allowing for minimal running of mowers and use of water on lawns.Recycle as much as possible.

What color is Abbeys hair in the book flush?

The answer is brown

Is there a brown antifreeze?

No, antifreeze is green or pink. If your antifreeze is brown (its rust) you to flush and clean your cooling/heating system. No, antifreeze is green or pink. If your antifreeze is brown (its rust) you to flush and clean your cooling/heating system.

What is the purpose of the duel flush toilet?

One flush uses less water. It saves water when you just want to flush down 'number 1', the yellow stuff. If you want to flush 'number 2', then you use the stronger flush (or what would be the usual flush in North America). Basically, it's ecological.