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Dance technique is important to have when dancing because once you have one of the techniques down and you are great at it, you want to try harder and be the best at a even harder technique. Technique helps you get into Dance Companies and succeed in the world of dance. Technique can help you have better balance, straighter posture, and can make dances easier to perform and remember. Technique though takes time to perfect. Sadly dancers can't just one day magically appear in a very difficult move that they could not do before. It takes practice and dedication, but in the long run technique will help a dancer very much. Thank You.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Performance skills are important in dance as they portray the dance scientifically 20% more better than the original dance. Dance can be changed for the needs for others but with added Performance skills.

I Hope This Helps

Hina x

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14y ago

* helps people to get there feelings out and enjoy what they are there for * Dance is important because it helps people become physically fit.

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15y ago

Yes technique is important in dance without it there would be no style or moves

Angel Of Music...

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13y ago

so you can make your dance look more cleaner and make your dance look more professional x

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11y ago

Its not

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Q: What is the purpose of a dance technique class?
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