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Q: What jobs did women do in shakespearean time?
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Related questions

Why werent women involved in the theatre at shakespearean times?

The law prohibited women from working on the stage but that did not prevent them from working backstage repairing and cleaning costumes and the like. We do not have very extensive records of who did these kinds of jobs.

When could women start acting in Shakespearean time?

Women did not act in Shakesperean time. They could not. Rather, during the Elizabethan era, men acted the roles of women, often wearing dresses and/or wigs to impersonate females.

Who played female roles in Shakespearean plays and why?

Males played both female and male parts, because acting was not a "suitable" profession for women at the time.

How did the typewriter change who worked in offices?

It created jobs for women

Why did men play women role in shakespearean times?

It is because Women were not allowed acting on stage. It was against their little rule.

What kind of jobs did the women do during the world war 1?

During the time of WWI, it was uncommon for women to work outside of the home. By the time WWII rolled around, women were working in factories, ship yards, and many other formerly men only jobs.

What role did women play in Shakespearean drama?

they were all potrayed by men, so they actually didn't act at all in shakespears time, after the revolution king Charles II made women be able to act in plays on stage

When was the shakespearean times?

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. The time when he was alive might be called 'Shakespearean times'.

What did lewd mean in Shakespearean time?

it meant loved

Who was king during shakespearean time?

Sorry to say but during Shakespearean time the king came after Queen Elizabeth the First than came King James the First.

What are the advantages of women at work?

only 40% are able to find full-time jobs

How did the role of women changed during the war?

Women started to work in the mans jobs and tasted the first tast of time out of the house.