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Romeo killed Tybalt, and is exiled from the city of verona.

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Romeo being banished from Verona.

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Q: What piece of news has Juliet upset the most?
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How does Juliet first react to the news her mother gives her?

Juliet reacts with shock and disbelief when her mother tells her about the arranged marriage with Paris. She is upset and feels betrayed by her mother's sudden change of heart.

What does romeo decide to do upon hearing the news?

Upon hearing of Juliet's supposed death, Romeo decides to take his own life by drinking poison in despair. He rushes back to Verona to Juliet's tomb to be with her in death.

What did Balthazar bring romeo?

He brings Romeo the news of Juliet's death.

What happened in act 3 scene 4 of romeo and Juliet?

Act 3 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet is set in Juliet's room. Romeo is leaving for his exile and Juliet is upset over the separation. Lady Capulet then comes into Juliet's room and informs her that she will be marrying Paris. The conflict is that Juliet's parents are forcing her to marry Paris and she is already married to Romeo.

What news does Juliet get from romeo?

Juliet receives the news from Romeo that he has been banished from Verona for killing Tybalt in a duel. This news devastates Juliet as she is now separated from her husband and struggles with the conflict between her loyalty to him and her family.

What joyful news does lady Capulet have for Juliet?

Lady Capulet shares the news that Juliet has been proposed to by Paris and they will be having a grand wedding soon.

What news does the nurse bring to friar Laurence?

She brings news of Juliet after Romeo is banished.

Who breaks the news to Juliet that Romeo is a Montague?

The nurse.

What news does Balthsasr bring Romeo?

Juliet's death

What piece of news has Juliet the most in scene 2 act 3?

Well in act 3 scene 2 Juliet awaits in her room to see romeo climb the ladder and come to see her. But the nurse comes in and tells her that Tybalt, her cousin, has been killed and Romeo has been banished. Those are the two reasons. *Tybalt being killed *Romeo being banished

In the play Romeo and Juliet Who visits Romeo in mantua?

Balthasar brings Romeo the news of Juliet's "death"

What news did lady Capulet give to Juliet?

Lady Capulet tells Juliet that she has arranged for her to marry Paris.