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Shakespeare's tragedies are by definition sad plays. The tragedies are Hamlet, Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear, Coriolanus, Titus Andronicus and Timon of Athens. They all end up very sadly. But some of the comedies have sad parts as well, especially Measure for Measure, All's Well that Ends Well and The Merchant of Venice. And Troilus and Cressida is also a very dark and unhappy play as well.

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Q: What sad plays did william shakespeare write?
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Why were some of shaksperes plays discribed as tragedies?

In Greek plays, a happy ending is a comedy and a sad ending is a tragedy. That is the way Shakespeare's plays were categorized.

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Shakespeare knew that people liked both happy endings and sad ones. That's why he wrote plays with both. The ones with happy endings were comedies and the ones with sad ones were tragedies.

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Yes they did they loved each other and had children. Happy family but very sad when Hamnet died :(

What sort of plays did William Shakespeare write?

Back in the day, Shakespeare was one of the most popular playwrights in England. His plays are traditionally divided into histories, tragedies and comedies, but some plays are hard to categorize. He wrote many different genres of plays including fantasy (A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest) romance (Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing), pastorals (As You Like It), political intrigues (Julius Caesar, Richard III), war stories (Henry V), horror (Titus Andronicus, Macbeth) and many others.

Why did Shakespeare write the winter's tale?

in act II scene I Hermione requests Mamillius to tell her a merry story, to which Mamillius replies "A sad tale's best for winter. i have one of sprites and goblins"the title suggests a sad tale. the title fits well with the first three acts though the winters tale is considered a comedy because of the happy outcome of the play and the last two acts.

What happens at the end of William Shakespeares comedy and William Shakespeares tragedy?

In Shakespeare's day, the actors performed a comical dance and song called a jig which might include comic monologues or dialogues. It was kind of like a music hall comedy turn--a little song and a few jokes. These were performed even after the most serious of plays.

What are William Shakespeare's two most famous plays?

Probably the most famous are Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet; those are the two everybody seems to have heard of. Hamlet is also considered to be one of Shakespeare's greatest plays along with King Lear, Macbeth and Othello. Romeo and Juliet does not usually make this list. There is a prejudice in favour of Shakespeare's tragedies; for some reason a lot of people seem to think that sad plays are "greater" than happy ones.

Play that ends sad?

Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare

What do people appreciate about William Shakespeare?

Because they were and are extremely entertaining: funny, sad, horrifying, beautiful, magical, silly, satirical. Shakespeare put more power in the language that he had his characters speak than anyone before or since.