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Scenery in the Globe Theatre was sparse, if not nonexistent, for two reasons. First, with the thrust stage, there was noplace to put any kind of fancy sets. And second, the plays changed scene frequently, far too frequently to change any elaborate sets (unless, like the Victorians, you would pay to watch an evening of stage hands changing sets). As a result, set props were brought on only when absolutely necessary, and for the rest the audience could use its imagination. For example, in As You Like It, where Orlando posts poetry on trees in the forest, the stage pillars would stand in for the trees. The same balcony on which Juliet appeared was also the mast of the ship in the first scene of The Tempest and the walls of Harfleur in Henry V. It didn't look any different in any of those plays; nothing was done to the balcony to make it look more like a bedroom balcony or city walls or a ship.

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Q: What was the scenery like in the globe?
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What was the scenery like in the globe theater?

There was not a lot of scenery used at the Globe Theater. However, there were props used like benches, knives, chairs, and armor.

What type of scenery and props were used at the globe theatre?

No scenery was used at the globe because it was so disruptive. They used an occasional prop

What was the scenery used in plays at the Globe Theatre?

During the Shakespear era there was no background scenery instead they would use a narrator to describe the stage setting

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A Scenery Like Me was created in 2003.

What was the scenery like around the globe theatre?

the scenerey in the globe theatre during shakespeare's time was very loud and smelly. The people who acted in shakespear's play's were all men or young boy's even if there were girl parts.

What scenery was used in the globe theatre?

none really that's what made the plays so great

How much was the scenery and lighting were used in globe theatre?

Very little scenery and the lights were made from a tallow candle which caught fire a great deal of the time. Stinky too.

What did the scenery and props used in Shakespeare's plays look like?

Not much is known about the premieres but it was said to be fairly simple with one back ground. However in some plays like Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet the key props like the balcony and 'hell' were used. The roof was also covered in a cloth and known as 'heaven'.

Was any scenery used in the globe theatre and how would the actors change from being in a heath to being in a castle?

No because it was too distracting. Imagination!!

What is the scenery like at Saturn?

tecnactly,saturn doesn't really have a "scenery". It's all swirling winds.

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What is the scenery like at Mt. Everest?

it is ugly and werid