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Change of Address

Do not grieve when I'm gone, past from death unto life

Free from this worlds sin, worry and strife

When you crave for some comfort, a kiss or caress

Don't think of me gone

Only changed my address

I know that you'll miss me and wish I was here

For you to talk to someone who would care

Remember this always and don't feel distressed

Don't think of me gone

Only changed my address

I love you all so dearly as Christ first loved me

It's there in the Bible for you to see

So go to Jesus, he'll help you in your stress

Don't think of me gone

Just changed my address

Come now to Jesus and fully repent

Believe in the wonder of why he was sent

His promise, all sinners repented he'll bless

Then you can come enter

To my new address

We'll all live together in mansions on high

Happy with Jesus in his home in the sky

With saints all immortal and blessed happiness

C% God up in Heaven

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Q: Where can you find a poem called 'Change of Address'?
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Have you tried your local library? Wikipedia or Google

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