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Prince Escalus doesn't name a particular place where Romeo should go, he states that:

"And for that offense [killing Tybalt]

Immediately we do exile him hence." (II.i.180-181)

It is Friar Lawrence who suggests that Romeo go to Mantua in Act III, scene iii

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Q: Where does Prince of Verona banishes Romeo?
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Who banished Romeo from Verona?

the prince banishes Romeo after he kills Tybalt.

What sentence does Prince Escalus decree for Romeo after he kills Tybalt?

He banishes Romeo from Verona.

What orders did the prince give romeo in romeo and Juliet?

The Prince banishes Romeo from Verona and he says if Romeo is found within the walls he will be executed

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In Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," it is Prince Escalus of Verona who ultimately decides Romeo's punishment for killing Tybalt. Prince Escalus banishes Romeo from Verona as a result of his actions.

Who sentences Romeo to exile in Romeo and Juliet?

Prince Escalus sentences Romeo to exile after he kills Tybalt in a duel. The prince banishes Romeo from Verona as a punishment for his crime.

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The Prince banishes Romeo from Verona for killing Tybalt in Act 3.

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The prince banishes Romeo from Verona because of his role in Tybalt's death. This punishment is surprising because the prince had previously shown leniency towards Romeo and because banishment is considered a harsh penalty for a young man in love.

in what act does romeo get banned?

Romeo gets banned from Verona in Act 3 of William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" after he avenges Mercutio's death by killing Tybalt. Prince Escalus banishes Romeo for his actions, declaring that if he is found in Verona he will be immediately put to death.

Who banishes Romeo instead of killing him?

The Prince

Opinion on the princes response to tybalts death in Romeo and Juliet?

He banishes Romeo from Verona, stating that if Romeo was found inside Verona 'that hour shall be his last'

What does Romeo do to Tybalt?

In Romeo and Juliet, the prince banishes Romeo from Verona to the neighboring land of Mantua. The prince banishes Romeo because he kills Tybalt (Juliet's cousin) out of his rage for Tybalt killing his friend Mercutio in a brawl. Romeo is not sentenced to death by the prince, because he killed Tybalt only to avenge his friend's death. Also, the prince only exiles Romeo, so that there is a fair sentence that can appease both the Capulets and Montagues.

What sentence does the Prince pass on Romeo for killing Tybalt?

The Prince banishes Romeo from Verona for killing Tybalt.