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Q: Who defened romeo in the sword fight with a Capulet?
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Why does Tybalt send for his sword during the feast?

Tybalt sends for his rapier, a kind of sword, in Act I Scene 5 so he can have a fight with Romeo. Capulet forbids it, fortunately.

Who gets murdered in Romeo and Juliet?

earlier in the play, romeo crashed a Capulet party. angry, Tybalt swore revenge with a sword fight. Romeo's friend mercutio ends up fighting Tybalt, and romeo attempts to intervene by stepping between them. Tybalt stabs mercutio, despite Romeos attempts to end the fight, and mercutio dies. Romeo and Tybalt then fight, and romeo kills Tybalt, and romeo is banished from Vienna. Merutio, romeo and Tybalt sword fight.

Who in romeo and Juliet said give me my long sword ho?

Mr. Capulet

Why does Tybalt call for his sword?

Tybalt recognizes Romeo, a Montague, at his uncle, Lord Capulet's, party, and believes Romeo intends to insult the Capulet family.

Why does Lord Capulet ask for his sword?

to fight against the Montagues. Lod Capulet wants "to be young" again.

How did they fight in romeo and Juliet?

sword fighting

Who says 'why call you for your sword' in Romeo and juliet?

Lady Capulet says this in Act 1 Scene 1.

Why does Romeo fight Tybalt?

Mercutio and Benvolio are discussing the hot day and the possibility of a quarrel. Tybalt enters looking for Romeo and rudely addresses them. Mercutio and Tybalt are about to fight when Romeo enters. Romeo tries to avoid the conflict because he is now married to a Capulet. Mercutio cannot stand Romeo submitting to Tybalt's cruelty and draws his sword to fight. Romeo and Benvolio try to stop the fight. Tybalt stabs Mercutio under Romeo's arm and leaves. Mercutio ends up dying. Romeo realizes his love for Juliet has made him soft and now seeks revenge. Tybalt returns and they fight. Romeo kills Tybalt and then flees after reflecting on what he has done.

What did Tybalt mean by sending romeo a challenge?

He to challenge him to a sword fight.

Sword fight plus Romeo plus Mercurio?

Equals Mercutio and Tybalt dead and Romeo banished.

Lord Montague is an uncle to whom?

Lord Capulet is the uncle of Tybalt, who dies while sword fighting, or fencing, with Romeo.

Why should Tybalt be angry that Romeo is at the ball?

Tybalt should be angry because Romeo is a Montague, and the Capulets and Montagues are feuding families. Seeing Romeo at the ball is a direct challenge to the Capulet family and their honor, adding insult to injury.