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I just read this poem, and I am pretty convinced that the speaker is one of the seven dwarfs from the fairy tale Snow White. After analyzing the tone and language that is used, it seems clear to me that the speaker is Grumpy. His attitude is really the only one that fits the speaker's perspective in the piece.

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Q: Who is the speaker in the poem One of the Seven Has Somewhat to Say?
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True or false The speaker of a poem is necessarily the same person as the poet him OR herself?

False. Many poems' narrators are not the speaker. Many poets write every poem of theirs from the perspective of another speaker. Unless it is stated that the poem is definitely biographical, one should never assume that the speaker is the poem's author.

What is an example of a smile in the poem 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'?

The poem "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Coleridge has many similes. One example is line 35 in Part II of the poem. The speaker says that his boat was similar to a painted picture because it did not move. Also, on line 48 of Part IV, the speaker uses a simile which compares the men's arms to lifeless tools. This poem's descriptive language helps readers imagine vividly the speaker's experience.

Who is the speaker in the poem Identity?

The speaker is a person who wants to break away from the typical society. A person who enjoys independence, freedom, and nature. Many people believe that it is a teenager and that this poem is a direct answer to the poem "Fear".

What is the mood of Donald graves poem the lie?

The poem "The Lie" by Donald Graves is a reflection on the human tendency to tell lies and the negative consequences that can result from it. The mood of the poem is one of contemplation and regret. The speaker expresses a sense of sorrow for the damage caused by lying and the importance of truthfulness.

What is the poem basement stairs by susan gillis about?

I think this poem is talking about the childhood about the speaker. The speaker is a imaginative girl and she deeply believes in GOD. when she grows up, she nows there's actually no GOD, but he is only a spirit for her. It's something like Christmas. when people are child, they do believe there's Santa, but one day, they'll find out there's no, and they can remember clearly how they find out there's no Santa.

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True or false The speaker of a poem is necessarily the same person as the poet him OR herself?

False. Many poems' narrators are not the speaker. Many poets write every poem of theirs from the perspective of another speaker. Unless it is stated that the poem is definitely biographical, one should never assume that the speaker is the poem's author.

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What is the role of the poem's speaker?

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