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Q: Who was The largest group in the U.S. is hispanic Americans?
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What is the largest Hispanic group from Central America?

I work with all kinds of immigrants, and by far (at least in the Midwest) the largest group of Central Americans living in the US are Guatemalans.

Which hispanic group is the largest in the US?

Mexican Americans are the largest Hispanic group in the US.

What racial group is the largest minority in the US?

African-Americans 12-14% is the largest racial minority, though Hispanics are largest ethnic minority, being Hispanic is not a race. It just refers to the those who are from one the former Spanish colonies.

What the two largest ethnic groups in us after white European descent?

Probably African Americans. Then third would probably be Latino Americans

What group is the largest racial minority in the us?

African-Americans 12-14% is the largest racial minority, though Hispanics are largest ethnic minority, being Hispanic is not a race. It just refers to the those who are from one the former Spanish colonies.

What ethnic group makes up the largest number of unemployed?

among the non-white ethnic groups the largest number of unemployed are african-americans, the second largest pecentage of unemployed belongs to hispanic ethnic group

What group of Central Americans in the us is the largest?

I work with all kinds of immigrants, and by far (at least in the Midwest) the largest group of Central Americans living in the US are Guatemalans.

What was the largest group of immigrants who came to US?

At present, the largest immigrant group are of Hispanic extraction. They come from many nations of the Latin American region.

What ethnic groups are the largest in America?

German is the largest ethnic group in the US with almost 1/3 of Americans claiming German heritage. Irish comes in a close second, with almost 1/4 of Americans claiming Irish heritage. African-American is the third largest with about 1/10 of Americans having African heritage.

What is the second largest ethnic group in US?

Hispanic/Latino is the second largest ethnic group in the United States, comprising about 18% of the population.

What is the largest group of Central Americans in the us hondurans or salvadorans?


Which of the following is a minority group in the US?

One minority group in the US is the African American community, who have historically faced systemic racism and discrimination. Other minority groups in the US include Hispanic/Latino Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and LGBTQ+ individuals.